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Study Robotics

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The teaching in the program is devoted to the design, construction and planning of robots, including mobile and service equipment and systems used in practice as the so-called peripheral devices of robotic technology, which are characterized by high functional, movement and handling capabilities, mechanical accuracy and high reliability.


- Robotics is the field of the future

- Lots of job opportunities and good financial evaluation of the industry

- The new field is therefore of great interest, especially in graduates who "understand" with robots

- We focus mainly on practical skills

- Teaching on real industrial robots of all basic kinematics


- excursions, workshops and seminars organized in cooperation with companies,

- job prospects in the field,

- participation in projects solved at the department,

- internships

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Department of Production systems and Robotics

   Faculty of Mechanical Enginnering

   Letná 9

   040 01 Košice



   Head of the department: prof. Eng. Peter Demec CSc.

   phone.: +421 55 602 2190

   e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

   Secretary of the department: Eng. Ľuboslava Šidlovská

   phone.: +421 55 602 2191

   e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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