Výchova a vzdelávanie v oblasti prevencie závažných priemyselných havárií (PZPH)

Education and training in the field of prevention of major industrial accidents


The KBaKP department offers professional training for specialists in the Act on Serious Industrial Accidents (SEVESO III).The certificate of completion of the course is issued by the Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which is according to § 20 of Act.no.128/2015 Coll.on the Prevention of Serious Industrial Accidents and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, authorized to perform professional training on the basis of an authorization issued by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic no.Authorization 001/2002/OP - 6.4.as amended by its 2 supplements.

ICV opravnenie vykonavat pripravu



The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic on the basis of application no.680 / 2003-6.3 of 5.9.2003, Technical University in Košice, Letná 9 / A, 040 01 Košice, according to § 22 of Act no.128/2015 Coll.on the prevention of serious industrial accidents and on the amendment of certain laws issued a decision on granting an authorization.

Authorization number : 001/2009/AUT - 3.2

Department of Safety and Quality has a team of specialists in the prevention of major industrial accidents:

prof. Ing. Milan Oravec, CSc.
prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Michaela Balážiková, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Štefan Markulik, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Marianna Tomašková, PhD.



The last provided date of education course was ONLINE in February 2021.

The training process is under the guarantee of specialists and experts with several years of experience in the field of prevention and industrial risk assessment tools.

Application form:  Word 2013 Icon


Course materials:  microsoft powerpoint 512




            Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
          Institute of Special Engineering Processes
            Letná 1/9, 042 00, Košice - Sever

            tel: +42155 / 602 2501
            e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.