Association of Technical Diagnostics of the Slovak Republic
Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Association of Technical Diagnostics of the Czech Republic
Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic
The Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies
dare to invite you to
26th International Scientific Conference
October 3-4 2023
Conference goals:
The International Scientific Conference DIS - Theory and Application of Technical Diagnostics is one of the largest and most prestigious events in the field of technical diagnostics in Slovakia with a long tradition. Focusing on new trends in this area, it is an important source of gaining expertise and exchanging experiences of many experts. The conference program is divided into thematic areas that are focused on solving current problems. The expertise of the program and the conference is also supported by the fact that the Association of Technical Diagnostics of the Slovak Republic is a member of the ZS ZSVTS - Member Organization of the Association of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies.
Guarantors of the conference:
doc. Ing. Viera Peťková, PhD. – prezident ATD SR, eustream, a.s., Nitra
prof. Dr. Ing. Pavel Němeček – viceprezident ATD ČR, c. z., Technická univerzita v Liberci, FS
Ing. Gabriel Dravecký, PhD. - predseda Slovenskej spoločnosti údržby
- prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD. – KBaKP SjF TU v Košiciach
Conference Scientific Committee:
doc. Ing. František Helebrant, Csc. - Vysoká škola báňská –Technická univerzita Ostrava
Ing. Marko Rentka - U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Ing. Rudolf Hrivík, PhD. - Slovenské elektrárne - ENEL, a.s. Bratislava, vedúci oddelenia DTS
Ing. Roman Jedlička - Slovenské elektrárne - ENEL, a.s. Atómové elektrárne Bohunice o.z.– člen výboru ATD SR
Ing. Peter Tirinda, CSc. - konateľ spoločnosti B & K s.r.o.
Ing. Štefan Kacvinský - GETRAG FORD Transmissions Slovakia s.r.o.
- Ing. Dušan Gerlachovský - Slovnaft montáže a opravy a.s.
- Ing. Dušan Paulišin, PhD. – Spinea Technologies, s.r.o.
- doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD. – podpredseda pre organizáciu Slovenskej spoločnosti údržby
Organizačný výbor:
doc. Ing. Marianna Tomašková, PhD. – KBaKP SjF TU v Košiciach
doc. Ing. Michaela Balážiková, PhD. – KBaKP SjF TU v Košiciach
doc. Ing. Renata Turisová, PhD. – KBaKP SjF TU v Košiciach
Ing. Juraj Glatz, PhD. - KBaKP SjF TU v Košiciach
- Ing. Jaroslav Melko - KBaKP SjF TU v Košiciach
Professional focus:
Maintenance management - “home office” of maintenance workers during the COVID -19 pandemic
Technical diagnostics as support for Industry 4.0 (multicriteria diagnostics, vibrodiagnostics, tribodiagnostics, thermodiagnostics and others)
Progressive, non-destructive and testing methods
Standardization in the field of technical diagnostics and maintenance
Safety, quality and environment in maintenance.
Business languages: Slovak, Czech
Conference archive:
Documents to download:
Conference invitation
DIS Conference Secretariat
Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Safety and Quality of Production, Letná 1/9, 042 00 Košice - Sever
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.