Scientific research activity – VEGA, KEGA
KEGA č. 026TUKE-4/2023
Doba riešenia: 2023-2025
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Ing. Anna Vrabeľová, PhD., MBA
Podpora rozvoja vedomostí v oblasti implementácie požiadaviek systému manažérstva kvality pre letecký, vesmírny a obranný priemysel.
Anotácia (podstata) vedeckého projektu:
Súčasná geo-politická situácia a z nej vychádzajúca potreba okamžitej reakcie na daný stav dáva priestor organizáciám na vývoj a výrobu nových komponentov, po ktorých vzrastá dopyt. Oblasť letectva, astronautiky ako aj obrany je technologicky riadený priemysel, ktorý je charakteristický automatizáciou a digitalizáciou a ktorý integruje komplexné výrobné systémy a procesy s vysokými nárokmi na kvalitu ako aj bezpečnosť. Aj tie najmenšie nedostatky v poskytovaných produktoch alebo službách môžu mať v tejto oblasti fatálne následky. Vzhľadom k súčasnej situácii je predpoklad, že čoraz viac organizácií bude v budúcnosti do svojho portfólia pridávať komponenty a produkty, ktoré budú v tejto oblasti žiadané. Súčasná platná legislatíva EÚ určuje konkrétne požiadavky na výrobu komponentov pre tento druh priemyslu, avšak vstupnou bránou pre vytvorenie odberateľsko – dodávateľského reťazca je naplnenie požiadaviek na kvalitu daných zákazníkom. Pre oblasť zabezpečenia požiadaviek na kvalitu existuje od roku 1987 norma ISO 9001 Systém manažérstva kvality - Požiadavky, ktorá doteraz prešla niekoľkými revíziami. V súčasnosti je platná 5ta revízia, ktorá bola publikovaná v roku 2015 označovaná v rámci SR ako STN EN IS0 9001:2016. Zásadnou črtou tejto normy je štruktúra označovaná ako HLS (High Level Structure), ktorá je zakomponovaná aj do normy AS9100 - "Požiadavky systému manažérstva kvality pre letecký, vesmírny a obranný priemysel", ktorá je na Slovensku vydaná ako norma s označením STN EN 9100. Cieľom tohto projektu je implementovať požiadavky normy STN EN 9100 do výrobných procesov realizovaných v Prototypovom a Inovačnom Centre Strojníckej fakulty TUKE (PAIC SjF TUKE), ktoré sa zaoberá výskumom ale aj výrobou prototypov a sériových komponentov.
V súlade s tematickou oblasťou tejto výzvy - Nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní sa tak vytvorí priestor pre študentov na získanie vedomostí, ktoré môžu neskôr uplatniť v praxi. Na realizácii tohto projektu sa budú podieľať zamestnanci Katedry bezpečnosti a kvality produkcie (KBaKP). Takmer všetci riešitelia majú s implementáciou manažérskych systémov skúsenosti a dokážu výsledky tohto projektu adekvátne pretransformovať do edukačného procesu odborných predmetov a prispieť tak ku kreovaniu nového plánovaného programu 2. stupňa vysokoškolského štúdia: Kvalita a bezpečnosť.
Anotácia projektu v anglickom jazyku
The current geo-political situation and the resulting need for an immediate response to the situation gives space for organizations to develop and produce new components, for which demand is growing. The field of aviation, space and defense is a technologically controlled industry, which is characterized by automation and digitization and which integrates complex production systems and processes with high demands on quality and safety as well. Even the smallest non-conformities in the products or provided services can have fatal consequences in this area. Given the current situation, it is expected that more and more organizations will add components and products to their portfolio in this area in the future. Current EU legislation sets out specific requirements for the production of components for this type of industry, but very important aspect is a creation of a customer - supply chain and the fulfillment of quality requirements given by customers. For the area of quality requirements assurance, there exists ISO 9001 "Quality Management System - Requirements" since 1987, which has so far undergone several revisions. Currently, the 5th revision is valid, which was published in 2015 and referred to in the Slovak Republic as STN EN IS0 9001:2016. The main element of this standard is the structure referred to as HLS (High Level Structure), which is also incorporated
into the standard AS9100 - "Requirements of the quality management system for the aviation, space and defense industry", which is issued in Slovakia as the standard STN EN 9100. The aim of this project is to implement the requirements of the STN EN 9100 standard into production processes in the Prototype and Innovation Center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE (PAIC FME TUKE), which deals with research but also production of prototypes and serial components. Due to the thematic area of this call - New technologies, methods and forms in education, the project will create a space for students to achieve knowledge that they can later apply in practice. Most of the employees of the Safety and Quality Department (S&Q) have experience with the implementation of management systems. They adequately can transform the results of this project into the educational process of subjects and thus contribute to the creation of a new planned 2nd degree study program Quality and Safety.
ID: 22230024
Doba riešenia: 2023-2024
Ing. Anna Vrabeľová, PhD., MBA
Improving quality management teaching in the era of Industry 4.0
Anotácia (podstata) vedeckého projektu:
The cooperation of technical and economic universities from Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia will cover the study of the needs of the Industry 4.0 enterprises, acquiring new competencies related to modern quality management by lecturers, and creating new teaching programs that will lead to better preparation of graduates to current requirements of the V4 countries industry.
KEGA 019TUKE-4/2020
doc. Ing. Štefan Markulik, PhD.
Application-oriented education in the field of implementation of the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard
Abstract (essence) of the scientific project:Education, research and development are key supportive pillars of economic development and competitiveness in the EU. High demand for graduate´s competences require universities to respond to this by adjusted education. This competence involves theoretical preparation as well as practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge. Requirements for the competence of graduates in this way require a fundamental change in the approach in provided education, which includes the adoption of flexible learning new methods and tools besides the structural content. The presented project is focused on increasing the competence of students / graduates for their immediate integration to the work process. Their training in higher education can be a cost saving for their further training from the employer. The aim of this project is to create educational material added by a practical handbook, which will help students / graduates and also people from industry to better understand implementation of the quality management system. At present, there is no organization operating in a global market that does not have quality elements in its management. This was the major impulse for the decision to prepare a project that would transform the knowledge and skills of project leaders in the area of quality and other interdisciplinary areas into one part.
KEGA 015TUKE-4/2019
prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.
Management of audits using a software application in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project: A labor market increases requirements for the new technologies day by day and with that a demand for changes in an education is closely connected. These two factors create a pressure on the level of knowledge for all the working positions. According to these changes, educational institutions keep adjusting actual and looking for new forms and methods of the education. Nowadays, the labor market, is mostly covered with producer organizations, which are focused on mechanical engineering and automotive industry. For this sector a management of all the processes is typical, where a management system is used based on the specific requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. It is necessary to regularly review and improve the management system to apply the needed requirements. A tool for this review and improvement is an audit. Generally, preparation and implementation of the audit are time consuming and technically demanding processes. An effort of this project is to design a methodology to conduct the audits, which would make an audit process more effective and increase a reliability of assessed audit evidences supported by software application. The software application would be publicly available for acquiring skills in the education as well as a professional practice with a possibility to plan and conduct the audits.
VEGA 1/0121/18
Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Development of methods for implementation and verification of a comprehensive security solution in Smart Factory as part of the Industry 4.0 Strategy.
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project: Industrial Revolution, known under the mark. INDUSTRY 4.0, brings new aspects affecting the relationship man - machine - environment. The increase in requirements for internal and external communication, individual approach, shortening the delivery time of a product or service requires the active participation of the organization but also the public in shaping the rules of human protection in the work environment in the system man-machine-work environment, ensuring safe operation and thus creating conditions for the protection of the interests (objectives) of Smart Factory. The output of the project will be the creation of a comprehensive database for identification and management of risks in the field of safety and health at work (Safety) and risks related to human activities in internal or external environment of intelligent organization (Security) integrated approach as part of the Internet of Things in the horizontal interconnected individual actors of production technologies, including logistics systems.
Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Development and application of risk management models in the conditions of technological systems in accordance with the strategy Industry 4.0.
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project: The Industry 4.0 strategy is based on the use of digitization of a part of production processes in industry so that the customer's requirements are taken into account. One of the strategic areas is security as part of the requirements for an efficient process of creating the final product. To implement this requirement, it is necessary to develop new procedures for the selection of characteristic parameters of risks so that they can be used in digital form for their mobility within the Internet. The aim will be the integrated processing of information on human and technical risks in their management system so that effective preventive measures can be applied with production process management centers in order to implement a risk minimization strategy. The developed models will be tested mainly on complex technologies within selected companies from the automotive industry, where the implementation of Industry Strategy 4.0 will be in the most developed state.
KEGA č. 049TUKE-4/2014
2014 - 2016
prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.
Creation of e-learning support for education in the bachelor's study program - Quality of Production.
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project:The project will focus on designing a new model of education based on the utilization of elearning support. The aim of the project will be to create comprehensive (and concentrated) course material substituting commonly used reading material related to the selected subject. The Bachelor’s degree students will be able to actively use the proposed course material available via a web application and the course contents will be divided into two coherent and independent modules.
Mastering a selected course will be verified by tests available via the web application. The project activities will include creating supplementary reading material.
2012 - 2015
Dr.h..c. mult. prof. Ing.Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Research into new and emerging risks of industrial technologies in the context of integrated security as a prerequisite for managing sustainable development.
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project: The effective process of management (management) of new and emerging risks of industrial technologies within integrated safety includes the safety of machines and technical systems, occupational safety - Safety and some categories of civil safety - Security. It depends on the forms and methods of relevant risk identification and quantification and subsequently on the appropriate ways of their management in the human - machine - environment system. By applying models to support the sustainable development of industrial technologies in a competitive environment on the basis of integrated risk analysis, taking into account specific threats in individual stages of the life cycle (RU) of technologies or. The final products of the product will create a mechanism that will allow the application of effective prevention methods. These procedures are used to take into account the development of new materials, new technologies, changes in the demographic development of the company as well as the application of powerful methods of ITC techniques and technologies. For effective feedback on the assessment of the resulting solutions, as more parametric systems, key performance indicators KPI - Key performance indicators will be developed and subsequently tested on specific types of industrial technologies.
VEGA 1/0107/12
2012 - 2014
Dr.h..c. mult. prof. Ing.Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Research of the process of risk management of machines and technical systems at the interface Safety - safety of technical systems and work safety and Security - civil safety.
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project: Effective process of risk management within the safety of machines and technical systems, occupational safety - Safety in interaction with civil safety - Security, as one of the current priorities of the company is largely dependent on the relevance of risk identification and quantification and subsequentappropriate ways of controlling them in the man-machine-environment system.Given the common principles of risk management in Safety and Security, it is necessary to develop methods for the application of technical solutions, linked to the human factor, so that the dominant principle of risk minimization is preventive measures based on the use of modern ICT techniques, maintenance technologies, including methods of technical diagnostics.KPI (Key performance indicators) parameters will be proposed to assess the effectiveness of these measures.
ITMS: 26220220151
2011 - 2012
Prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.
Jelšava - Development of a joint research and development innovation center and its use in streamlining the heat treatment of raw materials
KBaKP activity: 3.1.Risks, quality and safety of developed technologies and systems
ITMS: 26220220063
2010 - 2012
Prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.
BIOMASS - New technologies for energy-environmental and economically efficient biomass recovery
KBaKP activity: 2.2 Risks, quality and safety of biomass thermal recovery processes
ITMS: 26220120060
2010 - 2013
Prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
CENTER OF EXCELLENCE - Technical, Environmental and Human Risk Management Research Center for the Sustainable Development of Production and Products in Mechanical Engineering
KBaKP activity: 1.1 Development of the G-RAM model for managing the continuous development of engineering products in a competitive environment
ITMS: 26220220064
2010 - 2012
Prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
VUKONZE - Research Center for the Efficiency of the Integration of Combined Renewable Energy Sources Systems
KBaKP activity: 2.5 Research on integrated risk life cycle management support for renewable energy sources
VEGA 1/0240/09
2009 - 2011
Dr.h..c. mult. prof. Ing.Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Research of methods of integrated risk management systems of technical equipment and industrial technologies.
KEGA 3/7103/09
2009 - 2011
prof. Ing. Aurel Sloboda, PhD.
Application of theoretical knowledge in the construction of a prototype experimental vehicle with minimal fuel consumption in order to increase interest in mechanical engineering.
CP - IP 213345-2
2008 - 2013
Prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.
7.RP -iNTegRisk - Early Recognition, Monitoring, and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related, Risks
Aktivita KBaKP:
T1.5.1 D1: Definition of KPIs emerging risks for selected industry case studies, including CSR aspects of emerging risks
T2.3.1 Gap analysis to identify missing models and methods within the iNTeg-Risk Framework
T2.4.1 Development of KPIs for Technology
T2.6.4 Guidance Topic D: Policies
T3.1.7 Case studies of Integrated Risk Management
KEGA č. 3/215604
2005 - 2007
prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Use of new multimedia technologies and materials in the teaching of case studies in the field of quality management systems.
VEGA č. 1/2217/05
2005 - 2007
prof.. Ing. Aurel Sloboda, PhD.
Research and implementation of an ecologically controlled four-stroke internal combustion engine with an output of up to 1000W with regard to minimizing fuel consumption with high functional reliability for the vehicle.
VEGA č. 1/2220/05
2005 - 2007
prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
Research into methods for assessing the risks of major industrial accidents and their applications in risk assessment in industry.
VEGA č.1/ 9404/ 02
Research of methods of implementation of acceptable risk of machinery in the stage of its design
Annotation (essence) of the scientific project: At the design and construction stage of machinery and technological systems, European Union (EU) directives as well as the laws of individual EU states prescribe the determination of acceptable risk values as a measure of selected types of threats, both in safety assessment and in assessment of its environmental effects. In order to meet these objectives, it is necessary to define the risks arising from the nature of the operation and maintenance of the machinery. Taking into account individual types of risks based on hazard characteristics in accordance with STN EN 292, methods are proposed to define the values of acceptable risks so that when quantifying it is possible to define the component that can be influenced during design and the component that can be controlled during machinery operation. At the design stage of the machine, procedures are designed to check compliance with the acceptable risk values so that the interaction between the main design software and the software controlling the acceptable risk values is possible. In the operation phase of the machinery, a maintenance strategy based on the theory of technical risk will be developed. The economic parameters of the maintenance activities will define its scope and thus the value of the acceptable risk in feedback to the requirements that need to be taken into account when designing the machine. Given that the human factor plays one of the essential roles in the field of technical risk management, its contribution to the determination of the final value of acceptable risk will therefore be addressed. To assess the correctness of the implementation of acceptable risk as a criterion for the safe construction of machinery, a system of audit procedures will be proposed in the mutual combination of project-machine construction-operating conditions.
VEGA č.1/ 6196/ 99
Integrated quality management system and its application in the design of material flows and construction of machine systems using CA-techniques
Annotation of the original results of the project solution:
As part of the project solution, a system for integrating risk management (safety) tools and environmental management systems as part of quality management systems according to 900/2000 into the construction phase of machines and machine systems as part of material flows and partly also complex production technologies has been designed and is currently being tested. Risk management systems as well as environmental management have been applied to specific types of transport machinery, mobile and agricultural machinery.