Konferencia o Industry 4.0 v automobilovom priemysle
V rámci grantového projektu č. 21640389 podporovaného Višegradskym fondom (www.visegradfund.org) sa katedra spolupodieľa na príprave konferencie "INDUSTRY 4.0 v automobilovom priemysle: ako adaptovať univerzitné vzdelávanie na nové výzvy v priemysle." Plánovaný termín konferencie je začiatok októbra 2017.
Partnermi projektu sú:
Automobilový priemysel má značný význam pre región strednej Európy. V súčasnosti je automobilový priemysel čoraz viac determinovaný trendom označovaným ako INDUSTRY 4.0. Okrem toho, že tento trend je výzvou pre automobilový priemysel je aj výzvou, ktorej čelia aj univerzity. INDUSTRY 4.0 je samo osebe veľmi zložitou témou vzdelávania a preto je spolupráca medzi univerzitami nevyhnutná.
Conference about Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry
Within the grant project no. 21640389 supported by the Visegrad fund (www.visegradfund.org), the Department of automobile production cooperate on preparation of the conference "INDUSTRY 4.0 in the Automotive Industry: how to adapt university education to new challenges in industry." The scheduled date for the conference is October 2017.
The project partners are:
The automotive industry has great importance for the Central European region. At present, the automotive industry is increasingly determined by the trend referred as INDUSTRY 4.0. In addition, this trend is a challenge for the automotive industry, and it is also a challenge faced by universities. INDUSTRY 4.0 is itself a very complex topic of education and therefore cooperation between universities is inevitable.
The main goal of the project is to gather and share knowledge and experience about current praxis in INDUSTRY 4.0. Another goal is development of education module for Industry 4.0 for the participating universities, so that new graduates can start their career in the automotive industry with experience in Industry 4.0.