Posúdenie spoľahlivosti človeka vo výrobnom procese (HRA)

Assessment of human reliability in the production process (HRA)



The term Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) is the common name for a group of methods and models that are used to identify and predict the occurrence of human errors in the work environment. This philosophy is based on a detailed description of functions, tasks and activities.


The occurrence of a negative event can be described as a sequence (causality) consisting of the occurrence of several consecutive events, which result from a certain cause. If all applied barriers (measures) fail in this sequence, the result of this causality is the occurrence of a negative event (accident). The basic precondition for an accident is the activation of a dangerous property of the relevant object. Statistics confirm that most chemical safety accidents are linked to human error. Human failure can be prevented by applying technical or organizational measures.


HRA education is aimed at clarifying and mastering the basic principles of modeling the occurrence of human error in processes where hazardous substances occur (eg bottling, loading / unloading of material, control, etc.)


The structure of education is focused on the prevention of accidents and incidents in industrial processes. The date and place of the meeting is based on the agreement with the client.


The procedure is also possible online.

Number of participants: ideally 5 - 10 people.

Duration of education: 6 hours.

Price of education: 170 Eur / person.


The provision of education is specialists in the prevention of major industrial accidents

mainly within the workplace, if necessary also by external experts in the field.


Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

tel .: +42155 602 2530, +421910 718 220




            Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
          Institute of Special Engineering Processes
            Letná 1/9, 042 00, Košice - Sever

            tel: +42155 / 602 2501
            e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.