Realizované hospodárske zmluvy

Realized commercial contracts

Name of the contract Client
ZoD 34/103401/2020 P.B.I., s.r.o, Senica

Proposal of risk assessment methodology in connection with pandemic threats in industrial enterprises falling into categories A, B in the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 128/2015 Coll.

ZoD 15/103401/2019 Duslo, a.s.

Elaboration of an update of the Safety Report for the company Duslo, a.s., Bratislava locality in accordance with the assignment to tender no. ON / MV / 01/2019 and CP "Security Report-Update", dated 14.03.2019

ZoD 14/103401/2019 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of explosion protection documentation O2, C2H2 in accordance with Annex No.1

ZoD 43/103401/2018 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk analysis and assessment for the project of oxygen interconnection from ASU 5 & 6 to VP.
ZoD 28/103401/2018 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Technical assistance - update of the processed "Explosion protection documentation" based on the requirements of DZ Energetika.

ZoD 27/103401/2018 Ferroenergy, s.r.o.

Technical assistance - update of the processed "Explosion protection documentation" for Ferroenergy, ltd. based on new requirements.

ZoD 21/103401/2018 Unomedical s.r.o. 

Identification of electric shock hazards for Unomedical, s.r.o.

ZoD 15/103401/2016 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

"Analysis and assessment of Major industrial accidents risk in USSK in accordance with the requirements of new legislation"

ZoD 40/103401/2015 Ford Getrag Transmision

Operating instructions and Explosion protection documentation

 ZoD 31/103401/2015  Ford Getrag Transmision
Analysis of documentation and elaboration of an environmental protocol for the HT Department (heat treatment) and the Technical Building.

ZoD 6/103401/2014 Transpetrol, a.s.

Update of safety documentation in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 well as the requirements of Directive 2012/18 / EU (SEVESO III) in TRANSPETROL, a.s., PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5.

ZoD 59/103401/2013 Transpetrol, a.s.

Update of safety documentation in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll. as well as the requirements of Directive 2012/18 / EU (SEVESO III) in TRANSPETROL, a.s., PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5.

HZ 59/2013 Transpetrol, a.s.

Safety report update - PS4, OSR

HZ 02/2013 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Training - Ensuring equipment reliability.

HZ 37/2012 Transpetrol, a.s.

Safety Report Update - PS1 Budkovce

HZ 30/2012 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Development of materials for critical infrastructure risk analysis
HZ 8/2012 Whirlpool Slovakia,s.r.o.

Creating software for Behaviour based safety

HZ 25/2012 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Revision of explosion protection document on DZ- Hot rolling mill

HZ 2012 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Creating software for the Behavior based safety project

HZ 6/2012 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Analysis and assessment of the extent of blast furnace gas leakage

HZ 2011 Whirlpool Slovakia,s.r.o.

Risk analysis Stage 2

HZ 2011 Whirlpool Slovakia,s.r.o.

Risk analysis Stage 1

HZ 36/2011 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk assessment in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 2011 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk assessment - Collection of converter gas from Steelworks I. for USSK

HZ 54/2011 Transpetrol, a.s.

Graphic materials update of of ATEX zones in accordance with the document on explosion protection for Transpetrol company

HZ 26/2011 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Update of Explosion protection documentation DZ - Blast furnaces

HZ 23/2011 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk assessment according to Act 261/2002 Coll. on the prevention of Major industrial accidents for the desulphurisation of raw coke oven gas

HZ 22/2011 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Safety Report Update U.S.Steel KE

HZ 2010 Ford Getrag Transmision

Implementation of TPM in Ford Getrag Transmission

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Update of Explosion protection documentation DZ Energetika

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of Explosion protection documentation for U.S.SERVIS, s.r.o

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Revision and harmonization of Explosion protection documentation DZ Koksovňa

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of Explosion protection documentation REFRAKO, s.r.o

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of Explosion protection documentation for LABORTEST, s.r.o

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of Explosion protection documentation for VULKMONT, a.s

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of Explosion protection documentation for OBAL - Servis

HZ 2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Elaboration of a proposal min. the cross-section of the pipeline for the newly designed liquid NH3 route and the proposal of safety measures
HZ 70/2010 Transpetrol, a.s.

Update of risk analysis for explosion protection

HZ 38/2010 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Study of variants of the technological solution of ammonia technology in order to achieve the acceptability of social risk in the USSK

HZ 108/2009 CMF Slovakia, s.r.o

Special consultations required for the implementation of the quality management system according to EN ISO 9001: 2008 - Engineering activities and related technical consultancy

HZ 78/2009 Transpetrol, a.s., Budkovce

Update of the emergency plan of operation of PS1 Budkovce (Transpetrol) in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 76/2009 Transpetrol, a.s., Budkovce

Update of risk assessment for PS1 Budkovce plant (Transpetrol) according to the requirements of the Act on
HZ 79/2009 Transpetrol, a.s., Budkovce

Update of documents for the protection of the population of the PS1 Budkovce plant (Transpetrol) in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 77/2009 Transpetrol, a.s., Budkovce

Update of the safety report of PS1 Budkovce plant (Transpetrol) in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 57/2009 Transpetrol, a.s., Budkovce

Study of methods and trends for measuring oil flow on the oil pipeline network

HZ 54/2009 Kybernetika s.r.o

Residual risk assessment, analysis of technical documentation and conformity assessment for selected technological lines of the company. IEE Sensing Slovakia s.r.o

HZ 31/2009 Risk Consult,s.r.o

Feasibility study of the construction of the left tunnel tube in the route of the escape tunnel of the Branisko tunnel


HZ 33/2007 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Processing of documentation for oxygen apparatus No.9.

HZ 51/2008 Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.

Elaboration of risk analysis for the process of disassembly, repair and assembly of reactor lid accessories.

HZ 19/2008 SPP, a.s., Bratislava

Conditions for the construction of gas pipelines for the purpose of providing building permits.

HZ 42/2007 SPP, a.s., Bratislava


Assessment of the reliability of selected equipment based on FMEA analysis.

HZ 53/2008 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk assessment of major industrial accidents.

HZ 20/2008 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Proposal of technical measures to reduce the social risk to the risk acceptable for the ammonia economy facility and its related infrastructure containing HN3.

HZ 28/2008 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk assessment for expenditure plant T1000.

HZ 48/2007 Carmeuse Slovakia,s.r.o., Košice

Coaling of rotary furnaces. Creation and elaboration of a safety program, risk assessment, elaboration of an emergency plan, elaboration of a document on explosion prevention.

HZ 44/2007 Carmeuse Slovakia,s.r.o., Košice

Coaling of rotary furnaces Elaboration of a report on the categorization of the company in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.
HZ 45/2007 Tepláreň Košice, a.s.

General technical diagnostics of a ball mill focused on measuring, evaluating and preparing a report on running diagnostics. If errors are found, a proposal for correction.

HZ 20/2007 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Evaluation of the occurrence of serious industrial accidents of the new building Galvanizing line 3 in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 8/2007 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Evaluation of the occurrence of major industrial accidents of the building Oxygen apparatus No. 9 in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.
HZ 78/2006 SEZ Krompachy, a.s.

Methods applied in quality planning and product implementation.

HZ 52/2006 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Expert assessment of explosion risks according to NV SR No. 493/2002 Coll.

HZ 47/2006 P.B.I., s.r.o., Senica

Safety and reliability management conditions based on the identification and assessment of risk factors.
HZ 30/2006 SPP, a.s., Bratislava

Safety and reliability management conditions based on the identification and assessment of risk factors.
HZ 38/2006 Pivovary Topvar, a.s., Topoľčany


Elaboration of Explosion protection documentation according to NV SR No. 493/2002 Coll.

HZ 28/2006 CORINEXGROUP, a.s., Bratislava

Elaboration of chapters within the project "Analysis of the possibilities of monitoring the integrity of the pipeline in the conditions of the SPP of the Transit division.

HZ 15/2006 Interport Servis,s.r.o., Košice

Categorization for magnesium storage in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 14/2006 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Expert assessment of explosion risks according to NV SR No. 493/2002 Coll.

HZ 12/2006 KYBERNETIKA, s.r.o., Košice

Development of an algorithm for deciding whether the assessed area is risky or non-risky.

HZ 5/2006 P.B.I., s.r.o, Senica

Processing of data analysis for solving the problem of elaboration explosion protection documentation according to STN EN 60079-10, STN EN 60079-20.

HZ 69/2005 MOLEX Slovakia,s.r.o., Košice

Categorization and preliminary risk assessment for Molex Slovakia, s.r.o. in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 20/2005 SPP, a.s., Bratislava

Integrity management conditions based on the identification and evaluation of risk factors in SPP, a.s.

HZ 16/2005 NDS, a.s., Branisko

Creation of the organizational and management system of the Branisko Tunnel operation.

HZ 15/2005 NDS, a.s., Branisko

Performing an analysis of the current state of operation of the Branisko Tunnel.

HZ 11/2005 SPP, a.s., Bratislava

Statistical evaluation of diagnostic measurements in order to improve maintenance while taking into account risk factors in operation.

HZ 5/2005 P.B.I., s.r.o, Senica

Advisory and consulting activities in the preparation of risk assessment in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 40/2004 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Risk assessment and preparation of documents in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.
HZ 21/2004 EVO, a.s., Vojany

Risk assessment in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.
HZ 20/2004 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Assessment of the impact of the new dynamoline line No. 3 in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 12/2004 U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Update of the created documentation for the prevention of major industrial accidents in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.


HZ 1/2004 P.B.I., s.r.o, Senica

Advisory and consulting activities in the development of the safety program of the safety management system in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.


HZ 36/2003 Vegum, a.s., Vestenice

Preparation of safety audit in accordance with the requirements of the OHSAS 18 001 standard.

HZ 32/2003 EVO, a.s.,  Vojany

Elaboration of a security program in according to the requirements of the Act on Prevention of Major industrial accidents No. 261/2002 Coll.

HZ 13/2003 Vihorlat, s.r.o., Snina

Elaboration of a preliminary design of an ergonomic crane cab.

HZ 17/2003 Mecom, a.s., Humenné

Preparation of preliminary risk assessment
HZ 31/2002 BSH DRIVES and PUMPS, s.r.o., Michalovce

Elaboration of safety audit for BSH DRIVES and PUMPS, s.r.o ..

HZ 26/2001 Chemko, a.s., Stražske

Elaboration of an emergency plan and elaboration of a risk assessment based on SEVESO II.

HZ 4/2001  Chemosvit, a.s., Svit

Elaboration of a Pilot project for a comprehensive safety management system within integrated approaches based on the ISO 18 001-02 proposal.






            Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
          Institute of Special Engineering Processes
            Letná 1/9, 042 00, Košice - Sever

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