Environmental engineering
Zamestnanci 2
2 Laboratoria katedry
3 Uchadzaci
4 Fotogaléria
6 Služby

MSc Program


Program Number: Management and Business Economics
Study Form: Full-time
Language of Instruction: Slovak
Standard Duration of Study: 2 years



A graduate of the Management and Business Economics master's program possesses a broad spectrum of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of business management and economics. With a clear understanding of current concepts related to the mechanical engineering field, they can integrate technical, technological, economic, and managerial aspects of a business. The graduate has the ability to acquire and interpret specialized data in the areas of corporate economics and finance, people management, production, processes, and projects. Prepared for leadership and project management roles in various industrial sectors, the graduate applies complex technical, technological, economic, and managerial solutions. They are also capable of conducting research with a high degree of creativity and independence. The graduate can apply their knowledge and experience to enhance the competitiveness of companies and support the processes of digitalization and optimization in various organizational structures.
The topics of master's theses, from their selection and formulation to processing and evaluation, including the level of guidance and subsequent defense, serve as evidence of the graduate's ability to independently tackle challenging tasks within the second level of the Management and Business Economics study program. Their acquired theoretical and practical knowledge becomes a significant tool for creatively and effectively solving real problems in the field of management and business economics. In this way, the graduate prepares for comprehensive leadership and management of business activities, with an emphasis on their long-term sustainability and competitiveness in the dynamic business environment. The entire process, from thesis selection to defense, reflects the graduate's capability to apply their knowledge and skills to address complex issues in the realm of business management and economics.


Graduates of the second level of the Management and Business Economics study program with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering will:
• Acquire in-depth and comprehensive knowledge in the field of business management and economics, encompassing project design, improvement, and optimization of business processes.
• Demonstrate the ability to identify and effectively solve real-world problems, utilizing both theoretical and practical insights gained during their bachelor's studies.
• Gain practical skills through the implementation of laboratory work and industrial internships within industrial enterprises.
• Address complex issues in the areas of design, project management, and analysis, with a focus on application in construction, technology, management, and other processes within the field of mechanical engineering.
• Manage dynamic processes of technological changes and development in industrial sectors, taking into account the evolving industry and its needs.
• Work on projects involving comprehensive phases, such as problem identification, thorough analysis, design, and implementation of extensive solutions within the business environment.
• Conduct research with a high degree of creativity and independence, allowing them to approach problems from new and innovative perspectives, contributing to progress in their field and creating new solutions for industrial and economic challenges.
• Utilize modern technological and software tools in the analysis and management of business processes, ensuring efficient and optimized operations within the business environment.
• Demonstrate the ability to create and advocate for innovations and improvements within business processes and systems, contributing to the development and competitiveness of businesses in the market.
• Develop the ability to communicate effectively and collaborate in a team environment, enabling them to successfully manage projects and coordinate activities across different departments and team members.


After completing the second level of the Management and Business Economics study program with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering, graduates will be prepared for demanding and responsible positions in the fields of management, economics, and engineering, with the possibility of achieving a high level of self-realization and career growth.


Graduates of the study program find opportunities in various professional spheres, including:
• Departments for strategies and planning in various organizations and companies, where they play a key role in formulating and implementing corporate strategies.
• Departments for economic analysis and performance control of business processes, where they leverage their analytical skills to optimize business operations.
• Departments for project management and investments, where they contribute to technical-economic assessments and risk management related to corporate initiatives.
• Departments for market research and analysis, where they contribute to the development of business strategies and enhance the competitiveness of companies.
• Managerial and coordination units in manufacturing and commercial organizations, where they lead and coordinate various aspects of business operations.
• Consulting firms focused on optimizing business processes and economic performances, where they provide expert advice and solutions for clients.
• Departments for managing public resources and financial funds within the public sector and institutions, where they engage in strategic management of resources and finances.
• Units for strategic planning and management in the automotive industry, ensuring effective management of manufacturing processes and production optimization.
• Institutions for economic analysis and planning in the automotive industry, contributing to improving competitiveness and innovation in production processes.
• Units for public procurement and project management within the public sector, ensuring transparent and efficient utilization of public resources.
• Consulting firms and advisory services providing expert advice in the field of public management and efficient resource utilization.


Study Program Board: Management and Business Economics, MSc Program


Person Responsible for the Study Program:
Prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kádárová, PhD., MBA


Instructors for Profile Subjects:
Prof. RNDr. Martin Bača, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Renáta Turisová, PhD., MBA
Doc. Ing. Jaroslava Janeková, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Juraj Šebo, PhD.


Student Representative:
Bc. Diana Berezná


Representatives of External Stakeholders or Alumni:
Three representatives from the business and economic practice.

Bachelor's Program


Program Number: Management and Business Economics
Study Form: full-time
Language of Instruction: Slovak
Standard Duration of Study: 3 years


The graduate profile is focused on acquiring comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of business management and economics, supported by technical and natural science disciplines. A graduate of the "Management and Business Economics" study program at the first level of higher education will be able to apply managerial and economic methods with an emphasis on enhancing the competitiveness of businesses. The graduate will gain practical experience through laboratory work and industrial internships in industrial enterprises, developing the ability to analyze and solve real problems and situations in the business environment. In addition, they will have an understanding of ergonomics, logistics, digitization in management, as well as modeling and designing production and non-production processes.

The topics of their bachelor's theses and semester projects will focus on practical problem-solving in the field of business management and economics, with their ability to formulate, process, and present solutions being crucial. The graduate will be prepared for comprehensive management of businesses and their economics, leveraging the theoretical knowledge and practical experience gained during their studies in the quality environment of the historic building of the Department of Business Management and Environmental Engineering.


Graduates of the first level of the Management and Business Economics study program with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering will:
• Acquire comprehensive knowledge in the field of business management and economics, with an emphasis on the application of modern technologies and digital tools.
• Be capable of applying the principles of digital transformation in the business environment, focusing on Industry 4.0, 5.0, Smart Factory, and Business Intelligence, as well as assessing the level of digitization in businesses and the economy.
• Gain knowledge in the area of strategic management, including theory, approaches, processes, and tools such as strategic maps and scorecards, aiming to manage business risks and crises.
• Develop skills in project and portfolio management, as well as in the investment process and investment evaluation from a technical-economic perspective.
• Be able to conduct analyses and assessments in various areas, including manufacturing, financial-economic, managerial, personnel, business, and marketing analyses.
• Master the use of software tools such as the MS Office Suite, MS Power BI, MS Project, Pohoda, Omega, @RISK, Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, and others in various managerial and analytical tasks.
• Be capable of modeling and simulating various business scenarios and utilizing modern techniques and tools in decision-making and planning within business management and economics.
• Receive quality education in the historic setting of the Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering, with access to technical and software support for their studies.
• Actively participate in professional, cultural, and sports activities, including excursions, domestic and international exhibitions, workshops, and seminars, often in collaboration with businesses.


• After completing the first level of the Management and Business Economics study program with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering, graduates can find employment in the business sector with a focus on manufacturing, trade, or services as qualified specialists in various areas.


Graduates of the study program find employment opportunities in various professional spheres, including:
• Departments for strategic management and planning in different companies and organizations.
• Departments for economic analysis and performance control of business processes.
• Departments for project management and investments, including technical-economic assessment and risk management.
• Departments for market research and analysis, focusing on the development of business strategies and increasing the competitiveness of companies.
• Managerial and coordination units in manufacturing and commercial organizations.
• Consulting firms and advisory companies focused on optimizing business processes and economic performance.
• Departments for managing public resources and financial funds within the public sector and institutions.
• Units for strategic planning and management in the automotive industry, with an emphasis on effective management of manufacturing processes and production optimization.
• Institutions for economic analysis and planning in the automotive industry, aiming to improve competitiveness and innovate production processes.
• Units for public procurement and project management within the public sector, aiming to ensure the efficient use of public resources and transparency in procurement.
• Consulting firms and advisory services providing expert advice in the field of public management and efficient resource utilization.


Study Program Board: Management and Business Economics, BSc Program


Person Responsible for the Study Program:
Prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kádárová, PhD., MBA


Instructors for Profile Subjects:
Prof. RNDr. Martin Bača, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Renáta Turisová, PhD., MBA
Doc. Ing. Jaroslava Janeková, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Juraj Šebo, PhD.


Student Representative:
Paulína Jasečková


Representatives of External Stakeholders or Alumni:
Three representatives from the business and economic practice.

Responsible person: Ing. Marek Moravec, PhD.
Location: P. Komenského 5, building PK5, 1st floor, room 001

The laboratory is equipped with unique instrumentation, which will provide and provide knowledge, technical and software support in the process of evaluating and objectifying environmental factors in order to improve the quality of the environment and working conditions in technological operations of engineering production and to assess the environmental impact of these plants. In the laboratory, objectification of physical factors is carried out mainly noise, vibration, electromagnetic field, and solid aerosols. Within the laboratory there is an accredited laboratory SNAS - Section of objectification of environmental factors (Certificate of Accreditation No. S-292).


PK5 001


Focus of the laboratory
the laboratory of the environment in accordance with the requirements of the Slovak National Accreditation Service. Laboratory equipment makes it possible to improve theoretical knowledge by carrying out practical activities in the laboratory when working with modern measuring and analytical instruments. The laboratory also serves for the implementation of scientific and research activities, processing of student final works as well as for teaching the main subjects of the study programme Environmental Engineering such as: Objectification of environmental factors, acoustics and vibrations, Measurement and monitoring of environmental factors, Assessment of health impacts, Basics of psychoacoustics. In addition to these activities, the laboratory performs the following activities:
• processing the results of noise and vibration measurements in the environment and working environment,
• formation of noise studies,
• vibro-acoustic analyses and measurements of noise and vibration sources,
• visualization of noise sources of engineering products,
• localization and identification of noise sources by visualization methods,
• determination of acoustic properties of materials,
• psychoacoustic studies of sound quality of engineering products,
• optimization of sounds of engineering products,
• analysis of electromagnetic fields,
• measurement of exposure of solid aerosols in working environments.


Laboratory objectives
• Carrying out research in the field of acoustic properties of materials.
• Research and development of acoustic design of engineering products.
• Design and research into emission reductions (noise, vibration, radiation) of engineering products.
• Design and research of shading materials of electromagnetic fields.
• Carrying out psychoacoustic studies of sound quality of engineering products.
• Enable students to master work with modern measuring technology.
• Carry out laboratory measurements for the purpose of processing student final works.
• Deepen the theoretical and technical knowledge of students when performing experimental measurements.
• Create prerequisites to solve technical and environmental problems.
• Practical practice of individual measurement methodologies.
• Implement activities aimed at cooperation with practice.



gfai Berlin – acoustic camera with circular and star microphone array.
Microflown – a combined sensor for acoustic pressure and acoustic particle speed.
Kundtova trubica N-SW 466 – impedance tube.
Norsonic – assembly for realization of building and acoustic measurements.
HEAD Acoustic – psychoacoustic binaural measuring system.
Norsonic Nor-140, Nor-118, Nor 121 – sound analyzers.
Crystal Instrument CoCo-80 – vibration signal analyzer.
Narda SRM-3006 – electromagnetic field analyzer.
Norsonic 136 a Brüel & Kjær 4447 – vibration analyzer.
Narda EFA-300 a NBM-550 – magnetic and electric field analyzer.



Chladnyho platňa – stend for visualization of sound and vibration propagation.
Silentium – stend with active sound control application.

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(288237) Nehorľavá úprava zvukovopohltivých prvkov
z recyklovaných autoplášťov a gumy
  (288401) Zariadenie na zber nečistôt v stojatých vodách
Osvedčenie č.288237   Osvedčenie č.288237 2 časť   Osvedčenie č.288401   Osvedčenie č.288401 str.2
(288407) Spôsob zneškodňovania siníc v stojatých vodách
a zariadenie na jeho uskutočnenie
  (115-2017) Rotačná kruhová elektrolytická elektróda
s odstraňovaním nánosov
Patentová listina č.288407 Str.1   Patentová listina č.288407 Str.2   Patentová listina č.288407 Str.1   115 2017str.1
(US 9,809,471 B2) Spôsob zneškodňovania siníc v stojatých
vodách a zariadenie na jeho realizáciu 
  (6058116) Spôsob zneškodňovania siníc v stojatých
vodách a zariadenie na jeho uskutočnenie
US 1   US 3   Patent 1str 50   Patent 2str 50
(2 866 997) A method of disposal of cyanobacteria
in stagnant waters and equipment for its implementation
  (50019-2019) Stojan na autonómne meranie vibrácií
ručného náradia 
Canada str.1   Canada str.2   Patentová listina č.288407 Str.1   P Stojan str.2

Utility models

(9637) Bioreactor for continuous production
of biogas from liquid biosubstrate
  (9662) Cassette for expanding the possibilities
of measuring bulk materials in an impedance tube
UZ Str.1   UZ 9637 Str.2   UZ Str.1   UZ 9662 Str.2
(6426) Zariadenie na zber nečistôt v stojatých vodách   (6569) Spôsob zneškodňovania siníc v stojatých vodách
a zariadenie na jeho uskutočnenie
Osvedčenie č.6426   Osvedčenie č.6426 časť 2   Osvedčenie č.6569   Osvedčenie č.6569 časť 2
(6856) Zariadenie na komprimáciu vzduchu pomocou
veternej energie
  (5982) Konštrukčné prvky z gumobetónu pre protihlukové
Osvedčenie č.6856   Osvedčenie č.6856 časť 2   Osvedčenie č.5982   Osvedčenie č.5982 časť 2
(3700) Zariadenie na hodnotenie účinnosti
filtračných médií na odlučovanie prachu
  (3679) Zariadenie na meranie činiteľa zvukovej pohltivosti
a zvukovej izolácie pre kolmý dopad rovinných a zvukových vĺn
Osvedčenie č.3700   Osvedčenie č.3700 2 časť   Osvedčenie č.3679   Osvedčenie č.3679 2 časť
(5721) Kompaktné prvky z gumárenského recyklátu
vyrobené technológiou mikrovlného ohrevu
  (8457) Rotačná kruhová elektrolytická elektróda
s odstraňovaním nánosov
Osvedčenie č.5721   Osvedčenie č.5721 čast 2   Osvedčenie č.7580 strana 1   248 2017 str2
(7580) Prívesné zariadenie na prevoz katamaranovej techniky    (7970) Zariadenie na výrobu vody s využitím vírovej trubice
Osvedčenie č.7580 strana 1   Osvedčenie č.7580 strana 2   7970 str2    7970 str1
 (791) Zariadenie na triedenie a úpravu komunálneho odpadu   (50014-2019) Stojan na autonómne meranie vibrácií
učného náradia 
Bez názvu   Osvedčenie č.791 2 časť   7970 str2   UV Stojan Str.2
PCT applications
(WO2013137834) A Method of Disposal of Cyanobacteria
in Stagnant Waters and Equipment for its Implementation
  (WO2013147712) Mechanism for Collecting Impurities
in Stagnant Waters

Responsible person: doc. Ing. Ružena Králiková, PhD.
Location: P. Komenského 5, building PK5, 1st floor, room 007

At present, there is a significant acceleration on a global scale in the area of improving the quality of the environment, improving it, modifying it, but also optimising the factors that influence this quality. The laboratory was built to familiarize students with unique instrumentation, which will provide and provide knowledge, technical and software support in the process of evaluating and objectifying environmental factors in order to improve the quality of the environment and working conditions in technological operations of engineering production and to assess the environmental impact of these plants. The laboratory performs objectification of physical factors such as lighting, thermal-humidity microclimate, airflow and monitoring of the distribution of temperature fields through thermal imaging. The laboratory has modern instrumentation and measuring technology, including computer equipment necessary for analyses, expertise and subsequent evaluations of the environmental parameters studied. The results obtained by experimental measurements are necessary for evaluating the quality of the working environment, determining the impact of physical factors on the safety, health risks, comfort and productivity of workplaces. The main goal of the laboratory is to develop creative activities, technical thinking and help to understand and be aware of the technical context in the students. Develop their ability to choose the right methods and means of experimental equipment, as well as their ability to draw relevant conclusions from the experiments carried out, leading to the resolution of scientific and technical problems, e.g. by experimental modelling and simulation.


PK5 007


Laboratory focus

The laboratory is focused mainly on measuring and evaluating light-technical and microclimatic parameters in the working environment of industrial plants. Students can deepen and verify theoretical knowledge gained from subjects such as Measurement and monitoring of environmental factors, Design of environmental installations and Assessment of the environmental quality of production plants in addressing specific tasks. They also use numerical modelling and simulation methods to verify the results obtained from experimental measurements. They will use the results obtained by experimental measurements in the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the environment and the working environment.
Since the laboratory focuses on the field of environmental engineering, experimental measurements are also oriented to research and development of technical equipment and segments that affect the environment. Among other things, students must master:
• measurement methodology in accordance with technical standards or hygiene requirements given by legislation,
• registration of measured data for storage media,
• determination of the accuracy of the measured quantity,
• calculation and determination of uncertainty of experimental measurements depending on the measuring instruments used and methods of measurement,
• processing, evaluation or visualization of measured data in the relevant software.


Objectives of the laboratory

• Research on physical phenomena in the environment and working environment (thermal-humidity microclimate, airflow and lighting).
• Inform students about experimental methods of evaluating physical factors in the environment and working environment.
• Deepen the theoretical knowledge and technical skills of students in the implementation of the experimental measurements themselves.
• Develop their ability to choose the right methods for environmental engineering and the ability to draw relevant conclusions from the experimental work carried out.
• Create prerequisites to solve technical and environmental problems by experimental modelling and subsequent simulation verification.


Instrumentation of the laboratory

Luxmeter Radiolux 111 Krochmann – is a state-of-the-art digital device with brightness attachment for photometric and radiometric measurement, used for laboratory and field applications, measuring range from 0.01 lux to 360 klux, measuring range of brightness from 0,01 cd/m2 to 3600 kcd/m2.
Luxmeter TESTO 454 – digital device with fixed probe for measuring artificial and natural light, measures lighting intensity in workplaces indoors and outdoors, measuring range from 0 to 100000 lux, with resolution of 1 lux (0 to 32000 lux), 10 lux (0 to 100000 lux).
Termovízna kamera FLUKE Ti32 – High-resolution thermal imaging camera with high resolution of 320 x 240 points, temperature range –20°C až 600°C; temperature sensitivity (NETD) < 0,05°C; IR-Fusion image analysis; 2Mpx camera for real frame; 16 color pallets, image evaluation software, memory for more than 12.
Environmentálny monitor EVM-7 (TSI) – aerosol concentration monitor with the size of PM2,5 to PM10, serves as an indoor air quality meter and area detector of CO2, VOC and others gases.
TESTO 435 – multifunctional measuring device for assessing indoor air quality.
Vernon-Jokl Guľové teplomery – stereoteplometer for measuring microclimatic conditions.


Laboratory software equipment

DIALux EVO – is lighting design software, available free of charge. It is used for the calculation of light-technical parameters and their visualization in the interior and exterior.
Relux – lighting design software, available free of charge. It is used for the calculation of light-technical parameters and their visualization in the interior and exterior.
AutoCAD – is the most used CAD application, e.g. for creating models of buildings or parts thereof.
ANSYS FLUENT, ANSYS CFD – student software available free of charge, used to simulate temperature and humidity fields and airflow indoors.
Design Builder – a modern tool for modelling and calculating the energy intensity of buildings, lighting, CO2 emissions and indoor building environment.

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48.731454973 N    21.245949268 E

Mapa EN 2023


Park Komenského 5
042 00 Košice
Slovak republic


Marianna Brnová
Phone number: +421 55 602 2925
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Department in 3D view

KPaEI 640x360 

created by Ing. Tibor Dzuro, PhD.