Zamestnanci 2
2 Laboratoria katedry
3 Uchadzaci
4 Fotogaléria
6 Služby

The Laboratory of physical factors of the environment I. is equipped with unique devices that provide knowledge, technical and software support in the process of evaluation and objectification of the environment factors and working conditions in mechanical engineering plants as well as assess their influence on the environment. The Laboratory deals with objectification of physical factors, mainly noise, vibrations, lighting, electromagnetic field, thermal and moisture microclimate and solid aerosols. It also incorporates a laboratory for objectification of the environment factors accredited by SNAS (Slovak National Accreditation Service), Registration number S-292.


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Laboratory’s areas of expertise include:
• vibroacoustic analyses and measurement of the sources of noise and vibrations,
• visualization of the sources of noise of machinery products,
• locating and identification of sources of noise by visualization methods,
• determination of the acoustic properties of materials ,
• psychoacoustic studies of the quality of sound of machinery products,
• optimization of sounds of machinery products,
• design and research of acoustic materials,
• analysis of electromagnetic fields,
• design and research of shielding materials of electromagnetic fields,
• design and research in reduction of emissions (noise, vibrations, radiation) of machinery products,
• measurement of artificial lighting parameters,
• measurement of thermal and moisture microclimate in the working environment,
• measurement of exposure to occupational solid aerosols.


DSC 0448    Lab hluku 8 30   Lab hluku 12 30 tonemapped


Technical equipment:
• acoustic camera with circular and radial microphone array of gfai,
• Microflown combined sensor of acoustic pressure and particle acoustic velocity,
• BSWA TECH impedance tube measurement,
• HEAD Acoustic psychoacoustic binaural measurement system,
• Norsonic Nor-140, Nor-118, Nor 121 sound level meters,
• Crystal Instrument CoCo-80 dynamic signal analyzer,
• Narda SRM-3006 radiation meter for measurement of electromagnetic fields,
• Norsonic 136 and Brüel & Kjær vibration meters,
• Krochmann luxmeter,
• TESTO digital thermometers,
• AirChek air sampling pump for solid aerosols.


Lab hluku 13 30 tonemapped   Lab hluku 15 30 tonemapped    Lab hluku 16 30 tonemapped
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Engineering studies


State Exam Program: Environment Engineering (EE)
Form of study: full-time
Language of study: Slovak
Standard length of study: 2 years


The graduate has focused on obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge based on the current state of science in the field of product and environmental quality. The graduate of the "Environmental Engineering" programme of study in the second stage of higher education studies is able to evaluate and assess the quantitative and qualitative properties of the environment and the working environment, and also the characteristics of machines, devices and equipment, including the customer-oriented parameters of these products, through exact methods of simulation, measurement and monitoring. Subsequently, they are able to optimize these parameters, design technical solutions not only in the area of reducing the environmental burden of these products, but also increasing their overall technical quality. In accordance with the theoretical knowledge, practical abilities and skills acquired, they will be prepared for the design and modification of methodologies, including their implementation into technical practice. They can analyse problems in practical activities and propose solutions to them.
The themes of the dissertation, from their selection, formulation, through preparation and evaluation and the level of their management and subsequent defence are a guarantee that the graduate must demonstrate the ability to independently solve the demanding tasks of the second level of the environment programme and has acquired both theoretical and practical knowledge, which they are able to use creatively.


Graduates of the second level of the Environmental Engineering programme in the field of mechanical engineering:
• are able to analyse, optimise and design technical solutions covering a wide area of the quality of the environment and environmental quality of technical equipment,
• are able to carry out research with a high degree of creativity and autonomy,
• have a deep knowledge of environmental engineering enabling them to manage teams of workers in this field, to lead large projects independently and to take responsibility for comprehensive solutions,
• scientific approach to the problems addressed. They have experience in the formulation of hypotheses, experimental design, hypothesis verification and analysis of data obtained
• apply modern methods and design and development techniques in the area of optimization of product and environmental characteristics,
• find and present their own solutions to problems in research, development, design and use of engineering products,
• creatively apply acquired knowledge in practice,
• critically analyse and apply a range of concepts, principles and practices from the field in the context of loosely defined problems, demonstrating effective decision-making in relation to the selection and use of methods, technologies and means,
• can implement comprehensive technical solutions, use modern methods and means in order to solve problems,
• can specify, design, implement and maintain extensive integrated solutions involving engineering production for different types of application,
• can manage the processes of changes of technology from the point of view of technological development, adaptation and implementation of progressive mechanical engineering activities,
• can work on projects that include planning, designing, managing and implementing comprehensive production systems,
• are able to organise and manage projects, integrate people, technologies, equipment and processes, information, materials and energy throughout the lifecycle of the product,
• acquire the habit of seeking continuous further vocational training.


After completing the second level of study of Environmental Engineering in the field of mechanical engineering, graduates can look for employment in various industries, both in the public and private sectors.


Graduates of the programme apply their skills and knowledge in:
• metrology, measurement, consistency of measuring instruments, calibration, verification,
• company development workplaces,
• accreditation, management and operation of testing laboratories,
• development of methodology for highly specialised measurement techniques,
• development of products and optimization of their characteristics in terms of environmental quality,
• manufacture of electronics and household appliances,
• proposing measures to improve the quality of the environment and the working environment,
• environmental protection departments,
• scientific interdisciplinary teams, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
• diagnostic, research and development laboratories,
• and many others.


Website for applicants: https://sjf.tuke.sk/uchadzac/en/studijne-programy/environmental-engineering-ee/
Additional information: https://www.portalvs.sk/en/studijny-program/inzinierstvo-prostredia


The study program is managed and directed by the study program board
Composition of the study program


The person responsible for the environmental engineering study program:
prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD.

Persons responsible for mandatory subjects:
Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav Badida, PhD.
doc. Ing. Ružena Králiková, PhD.
doc. Ing. Lýdia Sobotová, PhD.
doc. RNDr. Miriam Andrejiová, PhD.


Student representative:
Bc. Alina Hordiienko


Representatives of external interested parties or graduates:
Three external members


Study advisor:
Ing. Miriama Piňosová, PhD.

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Consultation hours for the winter semester 2024 - updated on 15.02.2024

LUMNITZER   prof. Ing. Ervin LUMNITZER, PhD.   Monday: 14:00 - 15:00 
01 Badida    Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav BADIDA, PhD.     Monday: 14:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 15:00 
Kádárová   prof. Ing. Jaroslava KÁDÁROVÁ, PhD., MBA   Monday: 08:00 - 09:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 09:00


03 Kralikova   doc. Ing. Ružena KRÁLIKOVÁ, PhD.  

Monday: 09:00 - 10:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 12:00 

SOBOTOVÁ   doc. Ing. Lýdia SOBOTOVÁ, PhD.   Monday: 09:00 - 10:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 10:00
Janeková   doc. Ing. Jaroslava JANEKOVÁ, PhD.   Wednesday: 13:30 - 15:00
 Suhányiová   doc. Ing. Alžbeta SUHÁNYIOVÁ, PhD.   Tuesday: 10:00 - 11:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 14:00




  doc. Ing. Juraj ŠEBO, PhD.   Tuesday: 08:00 - 09:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 09:00
07 Moravec   Ing. Marek MORAVEC, PhD.   Tuesday: 10:40 - 11:40
Wednesday: 09:00 - 10:00
09 Pinosova   Ing. Miriama PIŇOSOVÁ, PhD.   Monday: 08:30 - 10:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 10:30
Vyrostková   Ing. Lenka VYROSTKOVÁ, PhD.    Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
A.YEHOROVA   Ing. Anna YEHOROVA, PhD.    Wednesday: 09:00 - 11:00 


Ing. Elena LUKÁČ JURGOVSKÁ    Monday: 09:00 - 11:00
Lachvajderová   Ing. Laura LACHVAJDEROVÁ   Wednesday: 09:00 - 11:00 
Sukopová   Ing. Dominika SUKOPOVÁ   Wednesday: 09:00 - 11:00         
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hlava ŠVOČ

Študentská vedecká odborná činnosť (ŠVOČ) 2020


Vážení kolegovia, milí študenti!
Strojnícka fakulta TU v Košiciach umožňuje svojim študentom sa každoročne podieľať na študentskej vedecko-výskumnej činnosti. Študenti majú možnosť prezentovať pred odbornou porotou výsledky svojej práce a preveriť tak úroveň obsahového zamerania ich prác, vyskúšať si písomný prejav, predviesť svoje prezentačné nadanie a otestovať svoje argumentačné schopnosti pri obhajobe odbornej problematiky, a tým si vytvoriť predpoklad pre publikačnú činnosť v budúcnosti, napríklad pre budúce doktorandské štúdium. Samotná ŠVOČ vedie študentov k vedeckému mysleniu, tvorivej vedeckej práci a invencii. Môže byť rovnako dobrým základom pre úspešné obhájenie diplomovej práce a tiež môže byť prvotným krokom k perspektívnemu uplatneniu sa na trhu práce po skončení štúdia. Cieľom tejto súťaže je priniesť do rutinnej vzdelávacej študijnej práce nové impulzy a vytvoriť tak priestor pre aktívnych študentov na prezentáciu vlastných názorov.

Dňa 8. apríla 2020 (v stredu) o 9:55 hod. v miestnosti PK5/004 sa uskutoční katedrové kolo ŠVOČ pre školský rok 2019/2020. Účasť je povinná pre všetkých študentov 2. ročníka 2. stupňa.

Študenti majú možnosť prezentovať časti svojich diplomových prác.

Vyplnené a podpísané prihlášky spolu so zviazanými prácami (rozsah 15 - 20 strán) a elektronickej forme vo formáte .pdf je potrebné doručiť najneskôr do 07. 04. 2020 do 12:00 do rúk Tajomníka katedry (Ing. Miriama Piňosová, PhD.).

Pri registrácii príspevku je potrebné uviesť tieto údaje:
Každý z autorov: Meno a Priezvisko, Titul, Osobné/Identifikačné číslo, Ročník, Študijný program, E-mail, (prípadne telefónne číslo, tento údaj však nie je povinný).
Názov práce.
Vedúci práce Meno a Priezvisko Vášho odborného vedúceho, jeho tituly a ústav/pracovisko.
Anotácia (stručný charakteristika práce a jej výsledkov): 10 riadkov.

Prihlášku pre registráciu príspevku nájdete tu.

Aký je formát príspevku?
Všetky príspevky musia byť vypracované v jednotnom formáte.
Predpísané formátovanie je potrebné bezpodmienečne dodržať! Autor nesie zodpovednosť za formálnu a obsahovú stránku príspevku.

Príspevok prezentuje výsledky práce a mal by obsahovať:
abstrakt – vystihuje prácu a uvádza hlavné myšlienky článku,
úvod – opisuje problematiku, ktorej sa výsledky popísané v príspevku týkajú, ako aj prehľad stavu v danej oblasti,
hlavnú časť práce (jadro) – prezentuje postup riešenia a dosiahnuté výsledky,
záver – zhodnotenie dosiahnutých výsledkov.
zoznam použitej literatúry.

Šablóna MS-Word: tu

Každý účastník je povinný pripraviť si interaktívnu prezentáciu. Prezentácie jednotlivých prác je potrebné spracovať vo formáte .ppt (Power-point – verzia Office 2010 alebo vyššia). Časový rozsah prezentácie by mal mať 5 až 7 minút.

Najlepšie práce postúpia do fakultného kola, ktoré sa uskutoční 23. 04. 2020.

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