doc. Mgr. Gabriela IŽARÍKOVÁ, PhD.
Associate Professor
Technical University Košice
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Letná č. 1/9, 042 00 Košice - Sever, Slovakia
phone: + 421 55 602 2227
fax: + 421 55 633 4738
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P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, Master in Sciences, field of specialization: Mathematics - Physics
Senior LecturerPh.D., field of specialization: Automation and Control
Habilitation, field of specialization: Biomedical Engineering
English, Russian
Research Activities
- Applications of statistical methods
- Applied mathematics – modelling and simulation of production processes and systems
- Spatial optimization of production systems
Pedagogical Activities
- Tutorials: Applied Mathematics, Engineering Statistics, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics III, Mathematics IV, Numerical Methods, Selected Chapters from Mathematics
- Lectures (selected chapters): Applied Mathematics, Engineering Statistics, Numerical Methods
- Supervisor for 2 bachelor students, 5 engineering students
- Internal study material:
- M. Andrejiová, M. Bača, A. Feňovčíková, A. Hovana, G. Ižaríková, Z. Kimáková, M. Lascsáková, Zbierka riešených a neriešených príkladov z Matematiky 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2021 (in Slovak)
- G. Ižaríková, M. Lascsáková, Numerická matematika v Exceli, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2016 (in Slovak)
- D. Knežo, G. Ižaríková, M. Lascsáková, Vybrané kapitoly z aplikovanej matematiky, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013 (in Slovak)
- A. Feňovčíková, G. Ižaríková, Prípravný kurz zo stredoškolskej matematiky, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2012 (in Slovak)
- D. Knežo, M. Andrejiová, G. Ižaríková, Základné štatistické metódy, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2011 (in Slovak)
- A. Grinčová, G. Ižaríková, V. Pirč, Časové rady, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2009 (in Slovak)
- Co-investigator: VEGA 1/0708/16, VEGA 1/0922/12, VEGA 1/0102/11, VEGA 1/0679/08, VEGA 1/4164/07, VEGA 1/2193/05, VEGA 1/9390/02
- Co-investigator: KEGA 030TUKE-4/2017, KEGA 029TUKE-4/2016, KEGA 004TUKE/–4/2013, KEGA 079TUKE–4/2013, KEGA 019–025TUKE–4/2010
- Co-investigator: APVV-15-0327
- Co-investigator ITMS project 26110230018
Academic Visits
Department of Informatics and Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic (June 2002)
Membership and Commities
- Member of Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists
List of Selected Publications
- M. Moravec, G. Ižaríková, P. Liptai, M. Badida, A. Badidová, Development of psychoacoustic model based on the correlation of the subjective and objective sound quality assessment of automatic washing machines, Appl. Acoust. 140 (2018), 178-182
- J. Janeková, J. Fabianová, G.Ižaríková, D. Onofrejová, J. Kováč, Product mix optimization based on Monte Carlo simulation: A case study, Int. J. Simul. Model. 17 (2) (2018), 295-307
- A. Guzanová, G. Ižaríková, J. Brezinová, J. Živčák, D. Draganovská, R.Hudák, Influence of build orientation, heat treatment, and laser power on the hardness of Ti6Al4V manufactured using the DMLS process, Metals 7(8) (2017), 1-17
- J. Brezinová, R. Hudák, A. Guzanová, D. Draganovská, G. Ižaríková, J. Koncz, Direct metal laser sintering of Ti6Al4V for biomedical applications: Microstructure, corrosion properties, and mechanical treatment of implants, Metals 6 (7) (2016), 1-16
- A. Ahmad, M. Arshad, G. Ižaríková, Irregular labelings of helm and sun graphs, Int. J. Graphs Combin. 12 (2-3) (2015), 161-168
- D. Draganovská, G. Ižaríková, J. Brezinová, A. Guzanová, The study of parameters of surface roughness by the correlation analysis, Mat. Sci. Forum 818 (2015), 15-18
- D. Draganovská, G. Ižaríková, A. Guzanová, J. Brezinová, Experimental and statistical analysis of roughness parameters of blasted surface, Pro-tech-ma 2015 and Surface engineering 2015, TU Košice, 18-19
- J. Halčinová, I. Janeková, G. Ižaríková, Production segmentation using hierarchical methods of cluster analysis, Appl. Mech. Mat. 816 (2015), 514-520
- G. Ižaríková, Process simulation and methods of generating random numbers, Acta Simul. 1 (2) (2015), 1-4
- G. Ižaríková, J. Halčinová, P. Hermel, Evaluation the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment using the tools of statistics, Engin. Sci. Prod. Manag. (2015), 397-402
- P. Poór, G. Ižaríková, J. Halčinová, M. Šimon, Analysis and forecast of indicators of industrial production using regression correlation and cluster analysis, Int. J. Econ. Stat. 3 (2015), 85-93