Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was founded in 1952, together with the Technical University in Kosice. At that time it was called the Faculty of Heavy Engineering. Life at the faculty with its four departments - Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Department of Physics, Department of Mechanics, Department of General Engineering - started in September 1952. Prof. RNDr. František Jurga became the first head of the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry and the department had ten employees.
In the academic year 1962/63 the department is divided into two separate departments – Department of Mathematics and Department of Descriptive Geometry. Professor Jurga is in charge of the Department of Mathematics until 1963 when prof. RNDr. Ján Jakubik, DrSc. becomes his successor.
The remarkable structural changes occur in the early seventies. The Department of Mathematics, as one of the theoretical departments of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, provides education at other departments of the Technical University in Košice until 1981, when it passes directly under the administration of the Technical University rectorship. In 1989 the department becomes again a part of the faculty and in 1997 it is renamed as the Department of Applied Mathematics. In 2011, it becomes the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics and its name hasn´t changed until now.
In 1971, doc. RNDr. Pavol Galajda, PhD. was appointed to lead the department. In the following years the department was led by prof. RNDr. Ján Badida, CSc., prof. RNDr. Vincent Šoltés, CSc., by doc. RNDr. Melichar Kopas, CSc., prof. RNDr. Dušan Knežo, CSc. and prof. RNDr. Martin Bača, CSc. Currently doc. RNDr. Andrea Feňovčíková, PhD. is the head of the department.