
International projects

  • Enable -  network of ICT supported learning for disabled people, reference no 518537-LLP-1-2011-1-SI-GRUNDTVIG-GNW, coordinator prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD., period: 01.11.2011 - 31.10.2014 (Project description) (Enable leaflet) (Partial report) (Enable Newsletter 06) (D3.5 IKT na podporu celoživotného vzdelávania ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím:praktické odporúčania dobrej praxe -Slovenska verzia)
  • ASPIRE - Access to Society for People with Individual Requirements, TEMPUS IV, Number of project: 530345-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPHES, coordinator prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD., period: 1. 10. 2012 – 30.9. 2015 (Project description) (Partners)
  • MonAMI - Mainstreaming on AMbient Intelligence, Integrated project, FP6-2005-IST-5 - coordinator prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD.
  • SMILING - Self Mobility Improvement in the eLderly by counteractING falls, coordinator prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD. contract number 215493, 7th RTD Framework Programme – Specific Programme Cooperation, Theme 3 "Information and Communication Technologies", Objective ICT2007.7.1 "ICT and Ageing"
  • H2020: Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs (MIDIH) ,reference no. 767498;period: 1.10.2017 – 30.9.2020,  
    H2020-FOF-2017 (Factory of  Future); Activity: FOF-12 a-2017, linked to the initiative I4MS; 
    Activity type: IA (Integrated Activity);  coordinator SjF TUKE: prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD.
  • H2020: The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network - TERRINet, reference no:730994 - within the announced call approved project: Skilled and Innovative Training Approach - Dual Arm Robotics (SAITA-DAR).Project leader: doc. Ing. Marek Vagaš, PhD.
  • H2020: The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network - TERRINet, reference no: 730994 - within the announced call approved project: Tactile floor mat in the Human - Robot Cooperation (TFM-in-HRC).Project leader: doc. Ing. Marek Vagaš, PhD.

National project

  • VEGA 1/0330/19  Research and design of algorithms and systems for the fusion of heterogeneous data in multisensor architectures
  • SF - Technologies for Intelligent Management of Energy Consumption and their Impact on the Development of ICT Services for Improving the Safety and Quality of Life of Slovak Citizens. Project leader: doc. Ing. Alena Galajdová, PhD. Project code 313011B909, 313000-Operational Program Research and Innovation, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Priority: 313010-1 Support for Research, Development and Innovation.(2017-2023)
  • KEGA  054TUKE-4/2016 Innovation of teaching courses with a focus on automation in response to the demands of industry and services. Project leader:doc. Ing. Alena Galajdová, PhD.
  • VEGA 1/0911/14 Implementation of wireless technologies into the design of new products and services to protect human health. Project leader: prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD.
  • VEGA 1/1162/11 Theoretical principles, methods and tools for seniors mobility diagnostics and rehabilitation. Project leader: prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD.
  • VEGA 1/0820/08 Dynamic analysis of human movement for clinical practice in rehabilitation and sports medicine. Project leader: prof. Ing. Dušan Šimšík, PhD.
  • VEGA 1/0559/08 Virtual design of mechatronic systems, Project leader: prof. Ing. Tomáš Saloky, CSc.
  • Research and Development of Intelligent Unconventional Actuators Based on Artificial Muscles Structural Funds of the European Union, Operational Program Research and Development, Measure 2.2 Transfer of Knowledge and Technologies Acquired by Research and Development into Practice, Project, ITMS Project 26220220103, coordinator doc. Ing. Ondrej Líška, CSc.

Grant for Young researcher

  • Realisation of Production Management and Monitoring System with Implementation of Industry 4.0 (Project of PhD students and Young Researchers 2017/18)