Technologies, management nad innovations in mechanical engineering
Graduate profil:
Graduates of the 1st degree of the study programme Technology, Management nad Innovation of Mechanical Engineering will be employed as technologists in production, designers of jigs and tools, as workers using CAx technologies in production preparation, as test workers, workers in operation and maintenance of machinery at middle levels of production management. They can also find themselves in the position of lower-level management departments, as well as technical and economic departments of operations and plants.
Theoretical knowledge
The graduate of this study program:
- acquire knowledge and understand fundamentally facts, concepts, principles, theories and methods related to technology, machines, technologies, engineering production and its design and management,
- can use them in the design of production and its management with regard to the conditions of the economic and social environment,
- can use theory, practical procedures and tools to design, imolement and operate engineering production and its innovations,
- will be able to create and manage basic quality management systems, create virtual models of production plants to solve the pre-production, production and post-production phase with the support of CAx technologies,
- acquires basic knowledge of business economics and economics, business and production management,
- acquires basic knowledge of planning, organizing and managing production at the workshop level and middle levels of management.
Practical abilities and skills
The graduate of this study program will acquire the ability to:
- design variants of small production workplaces and operations,
- to solve the concept of interconnection of material and information flows in the production system,
- apply information technologies and computer support tools in the design of fixtures and tools in the technological preparation of the production, production planning, management and in testing,
- to solve the specifics of the development of cars and their components, their production, supply network management, testing and operation,
- operate engineering production efficiently and effectively,
- to plan, organize and manage production at the workshop level.
Additional knowledge, skills and abilities
The graduate of this study program will further acquire the ability to:
- work effectively as a member of operational and design teams managing production activities at the middle management level,
- organize your own learning and development,
- maintain contact with the latest developments in their discipline and continue their own professional development.