Engineering study


Field of study: Mechanical engineering
Study program: Energy machines and devices
Form of study: full-time
Language of study: Slovak
Standard length of study: two years


Compliance with the study program

The study program of energy machinery and equipment contains basic knowledge from the field of mechanical engineering. Within the field of study, mainly knowledge about energy machines and devices is reflected. Students will acquire knowledge in the field of thermal technology, alternative energy sources, construction and modern software tools. The stated knowledge, skills and competences of the graduate of the Energy Machinery and Equipment study program in the second degree of study are in accordance with the main topics of the knowledge core of the study field of mechanical engineering.


Characteristics of the study program

The engineering study program Energy machines and devices is aimed at acquiring knowledge in the field of designs, calculations, construction and production of energy machines and devices.
The core of the study program is based on theoretical and methodological professional knowledge from the scientific disciplines of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, which, together with knowledge from classical and alternative energy, form the professional profile of the graduate. The level of knowledge of the graduate is enriched by the experience gained during practical exercises
and knowledge gained from numerical calculations supported by computer modeling
(Ansys CFX, CAD systems), which are necessary to solve a wide range of problems related to the design, construction and operation of machines and equipment that produce, produce and transform energy in the form intended for consumption (boilers and various combustion devices, pumps and compressors, cogeneration units , turbines, combustion engines, etc.). The concept of the study program takes into account the current direction of the Slovak energy industry and brings the possibility of the graduate's involvement in the department's research activities.


Graduate profile

A graduate of the Energy Machines and Devices study program has extensive professional and methodological knowledge of the field, especially of basic disciplines such as thermomechanics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, design, manufacturing
and processing technologies. He has knowledge of production, operation, design, increasing the efficiency of energy systems and reducing their energy demand. He masters the theoretical foundations of phenomena in process technology, the theoretical connections of phenomena in processing operations and processes of production, storage and recovery of various forms of energy. Depending on personal interest in the field, he can acquire knowledge and skills using laboratory equipment, he can record, analyze and evaluate measured data
and draw conclusions based on the knowledge gained.

The qualification of the second degree of university studies in the energy machinery and equipment study program is awarded to students who:

  • demonstrate practical and methodological knowledge from key areas of the field, which will serve as a basis for practice, or research activity,
  • demonstrate the ability to modify general and specialist knowledge when solving specific problems,
  • are able to creatively use methods, tools, devices and materials,
  • demonstrate the ability to implement solutions to methodological, professional or practical problems,
  • they are able to arrive at an optimal solution by using methods, techniques and a systemic approach to solving problems.


Application of a graduate

A graduate of the second level of education in the field of Mechanical Engineering and the Energy Machines and Devices study program demonstrates a high degree of independence when working in a changing environment and the ability to work effectively as an individual, member or team leader. He is able to follow ethical principles in his work. He has innovative thinking and is ready to professionally present the results of his work to a professional public, including in a foreign language. He is able to independently develop, develop and practically use engineering approaches in solving technical problems. He can analyze, design and construct large-scale technical solutions in the field of mechanical engineering and energy. Graduate of the Energy Machinery and Equipment study program:

  • will be able to use modern software tools (ANSYS, MATLAB, PTC Creo, etc.) in solving design and engineering tasks,
  • will understand the interrelationships associated with energy production, its distribution, accumulation and actual use,
  • will be able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil, renewable and alternative energy sources while simultaneously accepting ecological aspects,
  • can analyze, propose technical solutions and implement research tasks with a high degree of creativity and independence, he will be aware of the pitfalls brought about by the production of energy from individual sources and he will be able to bring new ideas for solutions with regard to direct contact with industrial practice already during his studies,
  • will gain experience with the formulation of hypotheses, experimental design, verification of hypotheses and analysis of obtained data, will be able to independently evaluate the positives and negatives of one's own proposal,
  • will be sufficiently prepared to study the third degree study program and build a scientific perspective while acquiring new knowledge from the field,
    of energy, while using the latest methods and available techniques. He will also be able to apply in the labor market immediately after completing the second level of study,
  • will find application in all engineering and energy enterprises, as well as in every sphere of the national economy where energy machines and devices are operated,
  • will have the prerequisites to become a coordinator of development teams, especially in energy companies, after gaining practical management experience.


Department of Energy Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Košice
Vysokoškolská 4
04 200, Košice, Slovakia
Phone: +421 55 602 2452