The Košice Self-Governing Region, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and 20 other international partners, presented the EASTGATEH2V Hydrogen Valley project, which was presented to the public in the premises of the Košice Self-Governing Region and with our participation.
The project is focused on the construction of electrolyzers producing green hydrogen, which will subsequently be used to power hydrogen buses in the region.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the expert guarantor, and in addition, it will also carry out educational activities and awareness-raising in the field of hydrogen in our region.
Speed skier and student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TUKE Michal Bekeš, with whom we are intensively working on the aerodynamic optimization of his overalls, won a beautiful 4th place at the Speed Skiing World Cup in Vars, France.
His speed this time was 200.66 km/h. He was only 1.45 km/h behind first place.
We heartily congratulate Mr. Bekeš on his wonderful result and believe that together we will manage to modify parts of his equipment in the near future so that he can win the world championship.
In 2024, the European Atomic Energy Community EURATOM announced a competition for the best innovation in the field of nuclear technologies. The employees of the Prototype and Innovation Center (PaIC) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUKE submitted their project "Robotic system for fragmentation of steam generators" developed for the V1 nuclear power plant under the name "StarGate".
In the competition of the best European research and industrial organizations in the field, our researchers won an incredible but well-deserved 2nd place.
The jury appreciated the extraordinary level of technical parameters of the system, its innovativeness confirmed by two European patents, as well as the verification of the prototypes of the system in practice, as it was successfully fragmented 12 steam generators, each weighing 155 tons. This was a development order for the company VUJE a.s., which was the main coordinator of the entire fragmentation project of the decommissioned large-scale V1 NPP.
Over 20 TUKE experts worked on the development of the fragmentation system under the leadership of Ing. Vargovčík from PaIC SjF. The result of their work was four robotized complexes, designed from conceptual design to production and testing of prototypes at TUKE workplaces, with subsequent installation and revival in Jaslovské Bohunice.
This European award is a confirmation of the extraordinary quality of our researchers and TUKE's ability to comprehensively solve challenging projects up to the level of their industrial use. At the same time, it creates new opportunities for international cooperation and contributes to an even higher gloss of the TUKE brand.
On November 12 and 13, 2024, the Department of Structural and Transport Engineering welcomed students from the partner University in Bielsko-Biala, Poland, where we were honored with a visit from the Dean of the Department of Mechanical and Information Engineering, dr hab. inż. Jacek Pezda, prof. UBB, and Vice-Dean dr inż. Jacek Rysiński.
The students attended a lecture by prof. Greg and a presentation of the laboratories and premises of our faculty.
Our students from the Department of Structural and Transport Engineering also attended a partner stay at this university together with prof. Greg and prof. Kuľko. On December 4-6, 2024, they visited the university laboratories, attended a lecture by the Polmotors company, and also got to know the historical center of the city of Bielsko-Biala.
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