Na pôde Strojníckej fakulty sme privítali veľvyslanca Japonska na Slovensku, J. E. Yasuhira KAWAKAMIHO a prvého tajomníka veľvyslanectva, pána Kiyotaku TANAKU.
Predmetom spoločných rokovaní bola vzájomná spolupráca medzi našou fakultou a japonskými univerzitami a priemyslom.
Vzhľadom na celosvetové požiadavky dekarbonizácie bola oblasť diskusií zameraná na vodíkové technológie.
Prezentovali sme exponáty ako vodíkový autobus, koncept automobilu MH2, vodíkovú trojkolku a prototyp vodíkového pohonu leteckého motora, ktorého funkciu sme aj názorne demonštrovali.
Aj takto prispievame k internacionalizácii našej fakulty.
In the cycle of lectures by experts in practice, which are regularly organized for students of the TUKE Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, a lecture by Magna PT was held on 28 February 2024 under the auspices of the Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering.
The topic of the lecture was: Cooperation in action - The journey from an idea to serial production.
Lecturer: Ing. Matúš Bednarčík, Ing. Martin Boháček, Ing. Rastislav Hošák, Ing. Ján Ambrus, Ing. Martin Kolačkovský, Ing. Peter Kolesár.
During the lecture, students had the opportunity to see the latest products of the company, and also had the opportunity to take a virtual tour of some of the company's lines.
We are very grateful to the representatives of Magna PT for their time and valuable experience, and we look forward to further cooperation.
On 21 February 2024 in the framework of lectures by experts from the practice Ing. Juraj Sulaček, representative of 3Dees Industries s.r.o., presented the possibilities of optical scanning of components and its use not only in traditional production, but especially in the production of prototypes of components by additive technologies.
Practical demonstrations and hands-on experience in the application of optical scanning presented to the students enriched the lecture beyond the commercially available information.
On 14.02.2024 Volvo Cars representatives visited the Institute of Technological and Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TUKE.
They were interested in study programs oriented on the issue of automotive production, scientific and research activities and possibilities of mutual cooperation.
There was a discussion about the possibility of applying our graduates within the company.
A number of study programmes of our faculty offer a wide range of graduates who can find employment in the newly emerging company in Valaliky Industrial park.
In the coming period, representatives of Volvo Cars will visit the laboratories and workplaces of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Office hours:
Friday8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30, 13:00 - 15:00
non-paged day
8:30 - 11:30
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