We would like to thank ATS Industrial Automation, s.r.o. for the financial support and co-organization of the Students into Practice Workshop II.
The Mechanical Engineering Ball connected with the matriculation ceremony of the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Košice was held on 9th November 2023 traditionally in the Social Pavilion in Košice.
More than 350 students, employees and invited guests had a great time thanks to the excellent speech, humour and singing of Ondrej Kandrač, the musical group Problem, the performance of the participants of Czechoslovakia has talent from Studio POLE DIVA with their aerial acrobatics and the talented winners of the Košice Golden Treasure - the singing duo Sony & Lucy.
With the stroke of midnight came the long-awaited, rich and varied raffle.
The Engineers' Ball turned out to be beyond expectations and satisfaction was evident among the organizers and visitors alike.
On 8.11.2023, the workshop "Designing in the automotive industry" was held at the SJf TUKE. Lectures were given by experts from the ŠKODA Auto Mladá Boleslav Technology Centre, Aufeer Design, IDIADA and EDAG.
The lectures were about digitalization and smoothing of surfaces, car pre-development and design accompaniment, aerodynamics, calculations, crash test simulations, light development, engine exhaust development and everything related to the development of a new car.
At the end, the next edition of the Drive project was announced and an informal discussion between students and development staff took place.
The workshop was a success and we look forward to further cooperation and events with ŠKODA Auto.
As an example of good practice, on 09.11.2023 at our faculty there was a lecture by the CEO of JAVYS a.s. Pavel Štuller, PhD., MBA in the field of nuclear energy.
Úsek zahraničných vzťahov a mobility TUKE srdečne pozýva všetkých TUKE študentov, ktorí majú záujem vycestovať na Erasmus+ mobilitu v LS 2023/2024 na online informačné stretnutie, ktoré sa uskutoční
dňa 26. októbra 2023 (štvrtok) popoludní o 14:15 cez Webex.
Registrácia na meeting: https://tuke.webex.com/weblink/register/r68e81adac199c9626f5d98de4d330c86
Link na pripojenie: https://tuke.webex.com/tuke/j.php?MTID=m0a222b681a025a7723a9f5fe3ce3e871
Na stretnutí Vám bude predstavený program Erasmus+ a vysvetlenie, ako sa môžete na mobilitu prihlásiť. Stretnutia sa zúčastnia aj študenti, ktorí mobilitu už realizovali a ktorí sa s Vami podelia o svoje zážitky.
Tešíme sa na stretnutie s Vami!
The TUKE Division of International Relations and Mobility cordially invites you to an online info meeting for the TUKE students interested in undertaking an Erasmus+ mobility in the spring semester 2023/2024.
The meeting will be held online via Webex on 26 October 2023 (Thursday) at 14:15.
Attendee Registration: https://tuke.webex.com/weblink/register/r68e81adac199c9626f5d98de4d330c86
Meeting link:https://tuke.webex.com/tuke/j.php?MTID=m0a222b681a025a7723a9f5fe3ce3e871
During the meeting, we will introduce the Erasmus+ program to you and explain what you need to do to apply. You will have the opportunity to meet with the students who have already undertaken an Erasmus+ mobility.
Office hours:
Friday8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30, 13:00 - 15:00
non-paged day
8:30 - 11:30
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +421 55 602 2623
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Košice
Letná 9/B
042 00 Košice
phone: +421 55 602 2016
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.