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Za vedeckú monografiu sa považujú pôvodné monotematické vedecké práce v rozsahu najmenej 3 AH (práce s menším rozsahom sa zaradia do kategórie GII). Vedecká monografia sa vyznačuje aj tým, že je pred publikovaním posudzovaná (recenzovaná) najmenej dvomi odborníkmi, ktorých mená sú uvedené v publikácii. Knižná monografia musí mať ISBN.
Do tejto kategórie sa zaraďujú aj samostatné mapy, ak spĺňajú vyššie uvedené obsahové kritériá a ich formát má rozsah najmenej 3 AH (1 AH mapy = 2.300 cm2).

Autorský hárok (AH) – 36.000 tlačových znakov (20 normalizovaných strán, 1 strana = 1800 znakov), pri básniach 620 veršov, pri mapách a grafických reprodukciách 2.300 cm2.


Výstupy katedry:

AAA  Vedecké monografie vydané v zahraničných vydavateľstvách

[1] KABDI, Kani - MAJERNÍK, Milan - BOSÁK, Martin - MIHOK, Jozef: Technics and environment and vice versaKokshetau: Kokshetau University, 2010, 206 p., [CD-ROM] ISBN 9965-9396-8-0.

[2] CEHLÁR, Michal - RYBÁR, Radim - MIHOK, Jozef - SOUŠEK, Radovan - SZABO, Stanislav: Trhacie práce v krízových situáciách. 1. vyd. - Pardubice: Institut Jana Pernera, 2012, 191 p., ISBN 978-80-86530-81-9.

[3] TREBUŇA, Peter - FIĽO, Milan - PEKARČÍKOVÁ, Miriam: Supply and distribution logistics. 1. vyd., Ostrava: Amos, 2013, 133 p., ISBN 978-80-87691-02-1.

[4] KÁDÁROVÁ, Jaroslava - MARKOVIČ, Jaromír - LOBANOVÁ, Halina - PERMINOVÁ, Oľga - MIHOK, Jozef: Korporativnoe upravlenie v usloviach krizisa. 1. vyd - Iževsk : IŽGTU M.T. Kalašnikova - 2016. - 239 p.. - ISBN 978-5-7526-0727-1.

[5] MIHOK, Jozef - MAJERNÍK, Milan - KÁDÁROVÁ, Jaroslava - JANEKOVÁ, Jaroslava - KOČIŠOVÁ, Michaela - KRIVOSUDSKÁ, Jana - JAHNÁTEK, Andrej - DANISHJOO, Enayat: Integrated Enterprise Management and Production Quality. 1. vyd. - Dusseldorf : A&A Digitalprint GmbH - 2017. - 452 p.. - ISBN 978-3-00-055589-3.

[6] DANESHJO, Naqibullah - RUDY, Vladimír - REPKOVÁ ŠTOFKOVÁ, Katarína - MAREŠ, Albert - KOVÁČ, Juraj - JAHNÁTEK, Andrej - KRIVOSUDSKÁ, Jana - ŠMAJDA, Norbert - RUSNÁK, Ján: Inteligent industrial engineering - Innovation potential. 1. vyd. - San Antonio : FedEx Print & Ship Center - 2018. - 297 s. [print]. - ISBN 978-0-578-40289-5.

[7] TREBUŇA, Peter - PEKARČÍKOVÁ, Miriam - KLIMENT, Marek - TROJAN, Jozef - MIZERÁK, Marek: Modelling and simulation of production systems in industrial and digital engineering. 1. vyd. - Lüdenscheid : RAM-Verlag - 2019. - 441 s. [print]. - ISBN 9783942303927.

[8] CEHLÁR, Michal - RYBÁR, Radim - ZHIRONKIN, Sergey - TYULENEV, Maxim - MIHOK, Jozef - ENGEL, Jacek: Open-Pit Mining. 1. vyd. - Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk - 2019. - 526 s. [print]. - ISBN 978-80-7380-747-4.

AAB  Vedecké monografie vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

[1] TEJ, Juraj - ŠIMKOVÁ, Helena - SOROKOVÁ, Tatiana - TREBUŇA, Peter: Vybrané problémy manažmentu riadenia ľudských zdrojov teoretické poznatky, príklady a skúsenosti z manažérskej praxe. 1. vyd., Košice: TU, 2010, 92 s., ISBN 978-80-553-0565-3.

[2] KOVÁČ, Milan – KOVÁČ, Jozef: Inovačné projektovanie výrobných procesov a systémov. 1. vyd., Košice: TU, 2011, 320 s., ISBN 978-80-553-0805-0.

[3] KOVÁČ, Jozef - MIHOK, Jozef: Priemyselné inžinierstvo. 1. vyd., Košice: TU, 2013, 340 s., ISBN 978-80-553-0806-7.

[4] MIHOK, Jozef - KOVÁČ, Jozef - TREBUŇA, Peter - KÁDÁROVÁ, Jaroslava - RUDY, Vladimír: Podnikový manažment. 1. vyd. - Košice : TU - 2016. - 424 s.. - ISBN 978-80-553-2470-8.

[5] KOVÁČ, Jozef - RUDY, Vladimír - KOVÁČ, Juraj: Automatizácia výroby. 1. vyd - Košice : SjF TU - 2016. - 304 s.. - ISBN 978-80-553-2311-4.

[6] KOVÁČ, Jozef - RUDY, Vladimír - KOVÁČ, Juraj: Metodika projektovania výrobných procesov. 1. vyd - Košice : TU - 2017. - 319 s. - ISBN 978-80-553-2874-4.

[7] TREBUŇA, Peter: Aplikácia vybraných metód modelovania a simulácie v priemyselnom inžinierstve. 1. vyd - Košice : TU, SjF - 2017. - 208 s.. - ISBN 978-80-553-2835-5.

[8] KOVÁČ, Jozef - RUDY, Vladimír - KOVÁČ, Juraj: Metodika projektovania výrobných procesov 2. inovačné projektovanie výrobných systémov. 1. vyd. - Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach - 2018. - 240 s. [print]. - ISBN 978-80-553-2873-7.

[9] BADIDA, Miroslav - DZURO, Tibor - KRÁLIKOVÁ, Ružena - ŠEBO, Juraj: Revitalizácia eutrofizovaných vôd. 1. vyd. - Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach - 2019. - 275 s. [print]. - ISBN 978-80-553-3265-9.

The laboratories of institutes and departments are used both for the teaching of study programs guaranteed by institutes and departments, as well as for the study programs of the faculty or university. The laboratories and special classrooms of the institutes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, as well as the departments of other faculties of the Technical University in Košice are used for teaching students of the mentioned study program.

The Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering has 7 laboratories with appropriate equipment. Laboratories are purposefully equipped with software and hardware tools according to modern standards and approaches for research in a specific field.


These are the following selected laboratories:


Laboratory of experimental virtual and mixed reality

Location: Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering Park Komenského 9, Košice, PK 9, 1st floor, room PK9 / 210, Workplace of experimental virtual reality PK9 / 210A


Design studio for industrial plants and companies

Location: Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering Park Komenského 9, Košice, PK 9, 1st floor, room PK9 / 207


Laboratory of digitization and simulation of business processes

Location: Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering Park Komenského 9, Košice, PK 9, 1st floor, room PK9 / 206


Laboratory of work process innovations and applied ergonomics

Location: Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering Park Komenského 9, Košice, PK 9, 1st floor, room PK9 / 205


Laboratory of augmented and mixed reality

Location: Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering Park Komenského 9, Košice, PK 9, 1st floor, room PK9 / 301


Education and training center

Location: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Komenského 9 Park, Košice, PK 9/001, ground floor

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We, about the institute

Opening of a new institute at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


IMG 5584In an article published on the portal, the author brings information about the grand opening of the new Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering on 20 December 2016 and its mission.

Slovakia has the first testbed focused on Industry 4.0


Košice, 20 February 2020   SOVA Digital, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Košice (TU KE), put into operation the first Slovak testbed focused on Industry 4.0 technologies and processes and digital transformation of industrial enterprises. TestBed 4.0 was inaugurated on February 20, 2020 with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Economy, university management, industrial organizations and personalities of Slovak industry. The workplace will be used to test business solutions and to educate students and researchers at the university. It will create a space for networking experts from practice with technology companies and universities, and support research and development of applications for industry.


Full article


test bed


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Our address:                             Working time:                                            Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00          

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering                        

Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering

Park Komenského 9

042 00 Košice


For students

In this section you will find a link to interesting offers published on the website of the Technical University in Košice for students.

MAIS portal

When looking for a syllabus of study subjects, it is advantageous to know a web link to the MAIS portal