Oznamujeme všetkým končiacim študentom na našom pracovisku, že odovzdávanie diplomov o ukončení štúdia sa uskutoční:
- promócie inžinierov: 19.06.2024 Aula Maxima TUKE
- odovzdávanie Bc. diplomov: 27.06.2024 Aula Maxima TUKE
Deň: 30.5.2024 miestnosť PK9 207
Čas: od 08:30 hod
Komisia č.1:
prof. Ing. Peter TREBUŇA, PhD. – SjF TUKE – predseda komisie
prof. Ing. Marek LACIAK, PhD. - FBERG TUKE
doc. Ing. Helena MAKYŠOVÁ, PhD. – MTF STUBA
doc. Ing. Miroslav DADO, PhD. – FT TUZVO
doc. Ing. Patrik GRZNÁR, PhD. – SjF UNIZA
doc. Ing. Michal BALOG, PhD. – FVT Prešov TUKE
doc. Ing. Marcel BEHÚN, PhD. – FBERG TUKE
doc. Ing. Štefan MARKULIK, PhD. – SJF TUKE
doc. Ing. Vladimír RUDY, PhD.
II. Ing. PI – štátnicové predmety PP, PPaS
Zapisovatelia: Ing. Mgr. Jana Kronová, PhD., Ing. Marek Mizerák, PhD.
Dear students,
on April 16, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. our department will host a lecture by practical expert Juraj Živický on the topic: A new perspective on investments.
The lecture will take place in room 206 in the PK9 building and is intended for our students.
On March 26, 2024 at 09:10 a.m., a lecture by SIEMENS representatives will take place in lecture room ZP4 entitled: Digitization trends in product development.
You're most welcome
On April 4, 2024 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. for full-time students in room 205 and on April 5, 2024 (Friday) at 8:00 a.m. for combined students in room 206 will take place at the Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering (hereinafter KPaDI) department round ŠVOČ for the academic year 2023/2024.
Participation is mandatory for all KPaDI students of the 3rd year of the 1st degree and for all students of the 2nd year of the 2nd degree, in attendance.
Students will present parts of diploma and bachelor's theses, which will be officially evaluated by a professional committee. Works according to the template below in the range of 15 - 20 pages must be delivered no later than 03.04. 2024 until 12:00 to the office of the secretary of the department Ing. Klimenta, PhD..
Even before that, it is necessary to show your text documents as well as presentations to the supervisors of your final theses and deliver them to the secretary only after their approval.
Each participant is obliged to prepare an interactive presentation. Interactive presentations of individual works must be processed in ppt (Power-point) format. The time range should be 5 to 7 minutes long.
The best works will advance to the faculty round, which will take place according to the instructions on the website http://www.sjf.tuke.sk/.
The Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering received the EUR-ACE mark in I. and II. degree, which included it among the leading workplaces of European universities and colleges that have already received this label. It provides students with the assurance that by completing a EUR-ACE accredited study, they will meet the strictest criteria set for graduates in European business practice. The EUR-ACE mark guarantees that its holder meets demanding criteria that relate not only to the organization but also to the content and outputs of the study program.
Dňa 28.februára 2024 v čase od 13:30 do 15:00 sa v posluchárni 26, uskutoční prednáška pre všetkých študentov SjF TUKE v III.ročníku Bc. štúdia a v I. a II. ročníku Ing. štúdia, ktorú si pripravili zástupcovia spoločnosti Magna PT.
Our address: Working time: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering
Park Komenského 9
042 00 Košice
In this section you will find a link to interesting offers published on the website of the Technical University in Košice for students.
When looking for a syllabus of study subjects, it is advantageous to know a web link to the MAIS portal maisportal.tuke.sk/portal/.