
InstituteDepartmentProject numberName of the projectResponsible solverFromTo
 ÚAMRaVT KPAaM 027TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of Internet of Things technology to support the pedagogical process in order to improve the quality of specific skills of graduates of the industrial mechatronics study programme doc. Ing. Ľubica Miková, PhD. 2022  2024 
031TUKE-4/2022  Innovations of methods and tools in teaching automation in the context of the Industry 4.0 platform doc. Ing. Patrik Šarga, PhD.  2022 2024
044TUKE-4/2021 Remote access to laboratory exercises for industrial automation prof. Ing. Alena Galajdová, PhD. 2021 2023
KVTaR 020TUKE-4/2022 Development and implementation of new approaches in teaching industrial and collaborative robotics doc. Ing. Ján Semjon, PhD. 2022 2024
054TUKE-4/2022 Innovation of production technology study programs aimed at the internationalization of education using virtual or augmented reality methods doc. Ing. Ján Kráľ, PhD. 2022 2024
004TUKE-4/2021 Development of innovative teaching aids for teaching multi-agent robotics doc. Ing. Rudolf Jánoš, PhD. 2021 2023
ÚTaMI KTMaPPV 050TUKE-4/2023 Innovation of study programmes oriented to computer support of mechanical engineering production in the 1st and 2nd level of higher education prof. Ing. Ján Slota, PhD. 2023 2025
046TUKE-4/2022 Innovation of the educational process by the implementation of adaptive hypermedia systems in the teaching of subjects in the field of coating technologies and materials welding prof. Ing. Ján Viňáš, PhD. 2022 2024
036TUKE-4/2021 Distance form of education in the field of engineering technologies using modern IT tools for foreign students prof. Ing. Emil Spišák, CSc. 2021 2023
ÚPIMIPaAM KPaDI 019TUKE-4/2022 Training of managers of new production structures of the future on the principles of "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" (OEE) through the education of students in the subject Production Management in the study program Industrial Engineering doc. Ing. Juraj Šebo, PhD. 2022 2024
020TUKE-4/2023 Systematic development of the competence profile of industrial and digital engineering students in the process of higher education prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, PhD. 2023 2025
KRPaIP 013TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of the results of scientific research into the elaboration of a modern university textbook "Psychoacoustics - sound quality and acoustic design of products Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav Badida, PhD. 2022 2024
011TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of current scientific-research, technical and methodological solutions in the field of environmental engineering into the educational process at universities prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD. 2021 2023
009TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of the latest knowledge from recycling technologies for material recovery of product components at the end of their life cycle doc. Ing. Lýdia Sobotová, PhD. 2021 2023
ÚMEaKI KKaDI 029TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of modern educational approaches in the construction of transmission mechanisms doc. Ing. Silvia Maláková, PhD. 2021 2023
007TUKE-4/2023 Transfer of innovations and advanced technologies for greener and more efficient vehicle propulsion systems into the educational process doc. Ing. Michal Puškár, PhD. 2023 2025
KEI 012TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of hydrogen technologies in passenger transport with the use of interactive elements in the educational process in the study program energy machinery and equipment doc. Ing. Natália Jasminská, PhD. 2022 2024
ÚŠIP KBaKP 026TUKE-4/2023 Supporting the development of knowledge in the implementation of quality management system requirements for the aerospace and defence industry Ing. Anna Vrábeľová, PhD., MBA 2023 2025
KBIaM 012UPJŠ-4/2023 Promotion of education in reproductive medicine and embryotechnology Ing. Marek Schnitzer, PhD.
(partner in the project UPJŠ in Košice)
 2023 2025
 044TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of progressive technologies into education in the field of technical orthopedics and support of integration with practice Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH   2022 2024
 050TUKE-4/2022 Additive production in medicine - creation of multimedia material and aids to support teaching in biomedical engineering  prof. Ing. Radovan Hudák, PhD.  2022 2024
 021TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of computed tomography in the interdisciplinary technical-natural space doc. Ing. Teodor Tóth, PhD. 2022 2024
016TUKE-4/2021 New training technologies for metrologists for the needs of monitoring production processes and post-processing of products prof. Ing. Miroslav Dovica, PhD. 2021 2023
018TUKE-4/2023 Implementation of physicochemical analysis methods in the study programme of biomedical engineering doc. RNDr. Marianna Trebuňová, PhD.  2023 2025



InstituteDepartmentProject numberName of the projectResponsible solverFromTo
 ÚAMRaVT KPAaM 031TUKE-4/2022  Innovations of methods and tools in teaching automation in the context of the Industry 4.0 platform doc. Ing. Patrik Šarga, PhD.  2022  2024 
044TUKE-4/2021 Remote access to laboratory exercises for industrial automation prof. Ing. Alena Galajdová, PhD. 2021 2023
030TUKE-4/2020 Transfer of knowledge from the field of industrial automation and robotics to teaching in the field of Mechatronics doc. Ing. Ivan Virgala, PhD. 2020 2022
KVTaR 020TUKE-4/2022 Development and implementation of new approaches in teaching industrial and collaborative robotics doc. Ing. Ján Semjon, PhD. 2022 2024
054TUKE-4/2022 Innovation of production technology study programs aimed at the internationalization of education using virtual or augmented reality methods doc. Ing. Ján Kráľ, PhD. 2022 2024
004TUKE-4/2021 Development of innovative teaching aids for teaching multi-agent robotics doc. Ing. Rudolf Jánoš, PhD. 2021 2023
ÚTaMI KTMaPPV 046TUKE-4/2022 Innovation of the educational process by the implementation of adaptive hypermedia systems in the teaching of subjects in the field of coating technologies and materials welding prof. Ing. Ján Viňáš, PhD. 2022 2024
036TUKE-4/2021 Distance form of education in the field of engineering technologies using modern IT tools for foreign students prof. Ing. Emil Spišák, CSc. 2021 2023
048TUKE-4/2020 Web based training in support of experimental skills in technological testing prof. Ing. Ildikó Maňková, PhD. 2020 2022
ÚPIMaIP KPaDI 019TUKE-4/2022 Training of managers of new production structures of the future on the principles of "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" (OEE) through the education of students in the subject Production Management in the study program Industrial Engineering doc. Ing. Juraj Šebo, PhD. 2022 2024
001TUKE-4/2020 Modernization of the teaching of industrial engineering in order to develop the skills of the existing educational program in a specialized laboratory prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, PhD. 2020 2022
009TUKE-4/2020 Transfer of digitization into education in the study program Business Management and Economics prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kádárová, PhD. 2020 2022
002TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of intelligent technology and advanced technologies to support transformation processes and design of future productions doc. Ing. Vladimír Rudy, PhD. 2020 2022
KIP 013TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of the results of scientific research into the elaboration of a modern university textbook "Psychoacoustics - sound quality and acoustic design of products Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav Badida, PhD. 2022 2024
011TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of current scientific-research, technical and methodological solutions in the field of environmental engineering into the educational process at universities prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD. 2021 2023
009TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of the latest knowledge from recycling technologies for material recovery of product components at the end of their life cycle doc. Ing. Lýdia Sobotová, PhD. 2021 2023
ÚMEaKI KAMaSI 027TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of Internet of Things technology to support the pedagogical process in order to improve the specific skills of graduates of the Industrial Mechatronics study program doc. Ing. Ľubica Miková, PhD. 2022 2024
018TUKE-4/2020 Increasing professional and language knowledge and skills of students by teaching the subjects of technical mechanics in English Bocko Jozef, prof. Ing., CSc. 2020 2022
027TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of new procedures and educational methods in the field of optical methods of experimental mechanics to improve the educational level and practical skills of graduates of the study programs Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering doc. Ing. Peter Frankovský, PhD. 2020 2022
KKaDI 029TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of modern educational approaches in the construction of transmission mechanisms doc. Ing. Silvia Maláková, PhD. 2021 2023
006TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of knowledge from research aimed at reducing motor vehicle emissions into the educational process doc. Ing. Michal Puškár, PhD. 2020 2022
KET 012TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of hydrogen technologies in passenger transport with the use of interactive elements in the educational process in the study program energy machinery and equipment doc. Ing. Natália Jasminská, PhD. 2022 2024
ÚŠIP KBaKP 013TUKE-4/2020 Transfer of knowledge from research of means using augmented reality into the educational process in the field of security of technical systems prof. Ing. Milan Oravec, PhD. 2020 2022
019TUKE-4/2020 Application-oriented education in the field of implementation of the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard doc. Ing. Štefan Markulik, PhD. 2020 2022
KBIaM  044TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of progressive technologies into education in the field of technical orthopedics and support of integration with practice Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH   2022 2024
 050TUKE-4/2022 Additive production in medicine - creation of multimedia material and aids to support teaching in biomedical engineering  prof. Ing. Radovan Hudák, PhD.  2022 2024
 021TUKE-4/2022 Implementation of computed tomography in the interdisciplinary technical-natural space doc. Ing. Teodor Tóth, PhD. 2022 2024
016TUKE-4/2021 New training technologies for metrologists for the needs of monitoring production processes and post-processing of products prof. Ing. Miroslav Dovica, PhD. 2021 2023
023TUKE-4/2020 Increasing the synergy of teaching methods in biophysics with the use of laboratory equipment and diagnostic instruments aimed at measuring physical and technical quantities doc. RNDr. Marianna Trebuňová, PhD.  2020 2022


Year 2021

InstituteDepartmentProject numberName of the projectResponsible solverFromTo
ÚAMaRaVT KM 030TUKE-4/2020 Transfer of knowledge from the field of industrial automation and robotics to teaching in the field of Mechatronics doc. Ing. Ivan Virgala, PhD. 2020 2022
KAaKR 044TUKE-4/2021 Remote access to laboratory exercises for industrial automation prof. Ing. Alena Galajdová, PhD. 2021 2023
KVTaR 004TUKE-4/2021 Development of innovative teaching aids for teaching multiagent robotics doc. Ing. Rudolf Jánoš, PhD. 2021 2023
010TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of new knowledge and innovative approaches to the process of teaching robotics in the intentions of Industry 4 prof. Ing. Mikuláš Hajduk, PhD. 2020 2021
025TUKE-4/2019 Integrated training laboratory for virtual prototyping and experimental verification of machine tool accuracy prof. Ing. Peter Demeč, CSc. 2019 2021
045TUKE-4/2019 Implementation of automated activities of the portal of the scientific research platform Acta Mechanica Slovaca doc. Ing. Ján Kráľ, PhD. 2019 2021
ÚTaMI KTMaPPV 036TUKE-4/2021 Distance form of education in the field of engineering
technologies using modern IT tools for international students
prof. Ing. Emil Spišák, CSc. 2021 2023
048TUKE-4/2020 Web based training in support of experimental skills in technological testing prof. Ing. Ildikó Maňková, PhD. 2020 2022
001STU-4/2019 Modernization of teaching in the field of technologies for joining construction materials prof. Ing. Janette Brezinová, PhD.
(partner v projekte SjF STU v Bratislave)
2019 2021
ÚMPaDI 001TUKE-4/2020 Modernization of teaching industrial engineering in order to develop the skills of the existing educational program in a specialized laboratory prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, PhD. 2020 2022
009TUKE-4/2020 Transfer of digitization into education in the study program Business Management and Economics prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kádárová, PhD. 2020 2022
002TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of intelligent technology and advanced technologies to support transformation processes and design of future productions doc. Ing. Vladimír Rudy, PhD. 2020 2022
ÚKIaM KAMaSI 018TUKE-4/2020 Increasing professional and language knowledge and skills students by teaching technical mechanics in English Bocko Jozef, prof. Ing., CSc. 2020 2022
027TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of new procedures and educational methods in the field of optical methods of experimental mechanics for the improvement of the educational level and practical skills of the graduates of the study programs Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering doc. Ing. Peter Frankovský, PhD. 2020 2022
KKaDI 029TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of modern educational approaches in the construction of transmission mechanisms doc. Ing. Silvia Maláková, PhD. 2021 2023
006TUKE-4/2020 Implementation of knowledge from research aimed at reducing motor vehicle emissions into the educational process doc. Ing. Michal Puškár, PhD. 2020 2022
ÚŠIP KBaKP 013TUKE-4/2020 Transfer of knowledge from the research of means using augmented reality into the educational process in the field of security of technical systems prof. Ing. Milan Oravec, PhD. 2020 2022
019TUKE-4/2020 Application-oriented education in the field of implementation of the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard doc. Ing. Štefan Markulik, PhD. 2020 2022
015TUKE-4/2019  Management of audits using a software application in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD. 2019 2021
KBIaM 016TUKE-4/2021 New educational technologies for metrologists for the needs of monitoring production processes and post-processing of products prof. Ing. Miroslav Dovica, PhD. 2021 2023
023TUKE-4/2020 Increasing the synergy of teaching methods of biophysics with the use of laboratory equipment and diagnostic instruments focused on the measurement of physical and technical quantities doc. RNDr. Marianna Trebuňová, PhD.  2020 2022
041TUKE-4/2019 Design of process algorithms in additive technologies for the educational process in biomedical engineering Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH 2019 2021
040TUKE-4/2019 Use of digitization methods to support the educational process in the field of prosthetics and orthotics prof. Ing. Radovan Hudák, PhD. 2019 2021
ÚEaPI KET 005TUKE-4/2019 Transfer of knowledge from the research of a hydrogen compressor driven by heat accumulated and generated in metal hydrides in the process of hydrogen storage into the study program of energy machines and equipment doc. Ing. Natália Jasminská, PhD. 2019 2021
KPaEI 011TUKE-4/2021 Implementation of current scientific-research, technical and methodological solutions in the field of environmental engineering into the educational process at universities prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD. 2021 2023
005TUKE-4/2019 Implementation of the latest knowledge from recycling technologies for material recovery of product components at the end of their life cycle doc. Ing. Lýdia Sobotová, PhD. 2021 2023




Year 2020

ÚstavKatedraR.č. projektuNázov projektuZodpovedný riešiteľoddo
ÚAMaRaVT KM 030TUKE-4/2020 Transfer poznatkov z oblasti priemyselnej automatizácie a robotiky do výučby v odbore Mechatronika doc. Ing. Ivan Virgala, PhD. 2020 2022
018TUKE-4/2018 Implementácia nových technológií a edukačných metód v oblasti riadiacich systémov pre zlepšenie vzdelanostnej úrovne a praktických zručností absolventov študijného odboru mechatronika prof. Ing. Michal Kelemen, PhD. 2018 2020
KR 010TUKE-4/2020 Implementácia nových znalosti a inovatívnych prístupov do procesu výučby robotiky v intenciách Industry 4 prof. Ing. Mikuláš Hajduk, PhD. 2020 2021
KVT 025TUKE-4/2019 Integrované výučbové laboratórium virtuálneho prototypovania a experimentálneho overovania presnosti obrábacích strojov prof. Ing. Peter Demeč, CSc. 2019 2021
045TUKE-4/2019 Implementácia automatizovaných činností portálu vedeckovýskumnej platformy Acta Mechanica Slovaca doc. Ing. Ján Kráľ, PhD. 2019 2021
ÚTaMI KSTaM 001STU-4/2019 Modernizácia výučby v oblasti technológií spájania konštrukčných materiálov prof. Ing. Janette Brezinová, PhD.
(partner v projekte SjF STU v Bratislave)
2019 2021
KPPT  048TUKE-4/2020 Web based training pri podpore experimentálnej zružnosti v technologickom skúšobníctve prof. Ing. Ildikó Maňková, PhD. 2020 2022
ÚMPaDI 001TUKE-4/2020 Modernizácia výučby priemyselného inžinierstva za účelom rozvoja zručností existujúceho vzdelávacieho programu v špecializovanom laboratóriu prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, PhD. 2020 2022
009TUKE-4/2020 Transfer digitalizácie do vzdelávania v študijnom programe Riadenie a ekonomika podniku doc. Ing. Jaroslava Kádárová, PhD. 2020 2022
002TUKE-4/2020 Implementácia inteligentnej techniky a pokrokových technológií pre podporu transformačných procesov a projektovanie výrob budúcnosti doc. Ing. Vladimír Rudy, PhD. 2020 2022
ÚKIaM KAMaSI 018TUKE-4/2020 Zvyšovanie odborných a jazykových znalostí a spôsobilostí
študentov výukou predmetov technickej mechaniky v anglickom jazyku
Bocko Jozef, prof. Ing., CSc. 2020 2022
027TUKE-4/2020 Implementácia nových postupov a edukačných metód v
oblasti optických metód experimentálnej mechaniky
pre zlepšenie vzdelanostnej úrovne a praktických zručností absolventov študijných programov Aplikovaná mechanika a Strojné inžinierstvo
doc. Ing. Peter Frankovský, PhD. 2020 2022
KKaDI 006TUKE-4/2020 Implementácia poznatkov z výskumu zameraného na redukciu emisií motorových vozidiel do edukačného procesu doc. Ing. Michal Puškár, PhD. 2020 2022
ÚŠIP KBaKP 013TUKE-4/2020 Transfer poznatkov z výskumu prostriedkov využívajúcich rozšírenú realitu do edukačného procesu v oblasti bezpečnosti technických systémov Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc. 2020 2022
019TUKE-4/2020 Aplikačne orientované vzdelávanie v oblasti implementácie požiadaviek normy ISO 9001:2015 doc. Ing. Štefan Markulik, PhD. 2020 2022
015TUKE-4/2019  Manažérstvo auditov využitím softvérovej aplikácie v zmysle požiadaviek normy ISO 9001:2015 prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD. 2019 2021
KBIaM 041TUKE-4/2019 Návrh postupových algoritmov v aditívnych technológiách pre edukačný proces v biomedicínskom inžinierstve Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH 2019 2021
040TUKE-4/2019 Využitie digitalizačných metód pre podporu edukačného procesu v oblasti protetiky a ortotiky doc. Ing. Radovan Hudák, PhD. 2019 2021
023TUKE-4/2020 Zvyšovanie synergie metód výučby biofyziky s využitím laboratórnych zariadení a diagnostických prístrojov zameraných na meranie fyzikálnych a technických veličín doc. RNDr. Marianna Trebuňová, PhD.  2020 2022
006STU-4/2018 Modernizácia laboratórií na meranie vybraných tepelnotechnických a technických veličín prof. Ing. Miroslav Dovica, PhD.
(partner v projekte SjF STU v Bratislave)
2018 2020
ÚEaPI KET 005TUKE-4/2019 Transfér poznatkov z výskumu vodíkového kompresora poháňaného teplom akumulovaným a generovaným v hydridoch kovov v procese uskladňovania vodíka do študijného programu energetické stroje a zariadenia doc. Ing. Natália Jasminská, PhD. 2019 2021
KPaEI 045TUKE-4/2018 Transfer najnovších poznatkov výskumu do spracovania vysokoškolskej učebnice „Environmentálne aspekty navrhovania strojárskych objektov - Ekodizajn“ Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Miroslav Badida, PhD. 2018 2020
032TUKE-4/2018 Intenzifikácia výučbových a informačných procesov v oblasti inžinierstva kvality prostredia prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD. 2018 2020
041TUKE-4/2018 Transfer poznatkov z vedeckovýskumnej činnosti z oblasti
demontáže a recyklácie výrobkov do spracovania VŠ
doc. Ing. Lýdia Sobotová, PhD. 2018 2020



January 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Spolupráca s praxou

AuferDesing     Biomedical Engineering    BOSCH   BSH   

Chemosvit    Chirana    Continental    evektor  


embraco    Ford    magna


 USS    wolksvagen    KIA    PSA


 USS    LEAR  minebeamitsumi  

NORDMondi SCP   masam logo ok 1   Tatravagonka Poprad


HMT   IDIADA   Sova Digital     siemens


SMC    REGADA   Ricardo   Senzor

 engler    matador mubea logo

vuje   javys     Kerex       ROSERO      SEZ


  kimex  spp    zts vvu  whirpool


LPH  nekoten  swep


marelli  slovnaft    IQ   spinea


 balluff  mitsubishi  garrett








mapa sjf

Study department

Office hours:
8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30, 13:00 - 15:00
non-paged day
8:30 - 11:30







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Phone: +421 55 602 2623


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Košice
Letná 9/B
042 00 Košice

phone: +421 55 602 2016
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