
upraveny pi en

upraveny PI Ing. 2 en

On April 19, 2023, the long-awaited lecture of Ing. Michal Sura, dedicated to the issues of E-fuels, which provoked a lively and enriching discussion among the participating students.

In 2023, this lecture is the first of a series of lectures by practitioners who direct the acquired knowledge of INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING students to the practical level.


We are looking forward to further meetings with experts, about which we will inform you in time at our department.


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On April 13 and 14, 2023, the ŠVOČ department round was held, which was attended by students completing the 3rd B.Sc. and 2 Ing. years of the Industrial Engineering study program both in full-time and in combined form of study.

Final theses were presented, which our students are working on and in a few weeks they will defend them at the state final exams at our department.

We believe that the advice of the committee will be taken to heart by future bachelors and engineers and will help them to successfully defend their defense.


Students progressing to the ŠVOČ faculty round are:


Meno študenta Názov práce Meno školiteľa Ročník, št. prog. a forma štúdia
Lukáš Bereznanin Implementácia prvkov Industry 4.0 pri zefektívňovaní procesov a ich digitalizácií za pomoci simulácie a vizualizácie Ing. Marek Kliment, PhD. 3. Bc. denné, PI
Adam Pásztor Modelovanie a simulácie výrobných procesov v súčinnosti s technológiomi v laboratóriu TestBed 4.0 Ing. Marek Kliment, PhD. 3. Bc. denné, PI
Oleksandr Shevchenko Metodické postupy 3D modelovania výrobných prostriedkov a systémov Ing. Juraj Kováč, PhD. 3. Bc. denné, PI
Bc. Natália Hutková Návrh plnoautomatizovaného odberu vzoriek surovín na presýpacej stanici Ing. Jozef Trojan, PhD. 2. Ing. KM, PI
Bc. Pavlo Vaulin Využitie virtuálnej reality pri nácviku montáže súčiastok Ing. Juraj Kováč, PhD. 2. Ing. denné, PI


We heartily congratulate the advancing students and, in order to participate in the faculty round, we strongly ask them to follow the instructions on the website of our faculty and fill out the applications for the faculty round:

Dear students


on 19.4. 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in room 401/PK9, a lecture by the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Slovak Post, Ing. Michal SURA on the topic:



The lecture is intended primarily for students in their final years and students of the study program: Industrial Engineering.


We look forward to your abundant participation.

On March 30, 2023, a field meeting of the Science, Research, and Innovation Working Committee of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Košice. This meeting was organized at the invitation of prof. Ing. Petra Trebuňu, PhD.. Various topics related to current issues in the direction of the automotive industry were discussed and topics closely related to the education process at universities were also discussed. Members of the working committee also took part in a tour of the premises and equipment of SjF TUKE, including the TestBed 4.0 laboratory premises, which is located in the premises of our department and is the first of its kind in the entire Slovak Republic.


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On April 4, 2023, Magna's lecture day will take place on the premises of the university library. We also bring these lectures to the attention of students of our department, who can attend them from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.



We bring to your attention the lecture of the Slovak maintenance company on the grounds of our faculty, the lecture is primarily intended and compulsory for students of the engineering degree, and it can also be attended by students in the third year of the bachelor's degree.

It will occur on April 5, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in lecture room P26.



On April 13, 2023 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. for full-time students and on April 14, 2023 (Friday) at 9:00 a.m. for combined-time students in room 206 will take place at the Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering (hereinafter KPaDI) ŠVOČ department round for the 2022/2023 school year.

Participation is mandatory for all KPADI students of the 3rd year of the 1st degree and for all students of the 2nd year of the 2nd degree.

The participation of other students is based on the recommendation of the supervisors.

Students have the opportunity to present parts of diploma and bachelor's theses, or other topics that will be officially included in the research and creative activities of the workplace.


Section: Industrial Engineering (Room 401)

Section: Digital Engineering (Room 401)


Completed applications together with bound theses according to the template below in the range of 15-20 pages must be delivered no later than 10.04. 2023 until 12:00 to the office of the secretary of the department Ing. Klimenta, PhD..

Even before that, it is necessary to show your text documents as well as presentations to the supervisors of your final theses and deliver them to the secretary only after their approval. Each participant is obliged to prepare an interactive presentation. Interactive presentations of individual works must be processed in ppt (Power-point) format. The time range should be 5 to 7 minutes long.


The best papers will advance to the faculty round, which will take place according to the instructions on the website

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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

mapa sjf

Our address:                             Working time:                                            Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00          

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering                        

Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering

Park Komenského 9

042 00 Košice


For students

In this section you will find a link to interesting offers published on the website of the Technical University in Košice for students.

MAIS portal

When looking for a syllabus of study subjects, it is advantageous to know a web link to the MAIS portal