Profile and orientation

katedra chodbaThe main mission of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering is to educate and train qualified professionals for jobs in the mechanical and automotive engineering and related industries. The department currently carries out its teaching activities in the branch of Mechanical Engineering. The department has in the branch Mechanical Engineering accreditation for study programmes Mechanical Engineering in the 1st and 2nd level of higher education; in the 3rd level it has accreditation for study programme Applied Mechanics. On the basis of successful accreditation, the department is also granted the rights of appointment of associate professors and the procedure for the appointment of professors in the field of Applied Mechanics. The department focuses on teaching subjects in the field of mechanics, especially mechanics of rigid and elastic bodies, numerical and experimental mechanics, resistance of elements of mechanical systems, mechanics of robots, etc. The staff of the department regularly prepare and publish teaching texts and monographs in their individual fields of teaching and research. The department teaches foreign students in English at all levels of higher education.

In the current structure of the department there are two professors (prof. Bocko, prof. Frankovský), five associate professors (assoc. prof. Delyová, assoc. prof. Hagara, assoc. prof. Huňady, assoc. prof. Pástor, assoc. prof. Sivák), two assistant professors (Ing. Lengvarský, PhD., Ing. Kostka, PhD.), five PhD students and one secretary (Bajkayová).

praxThe research of the department staff is oriented on several areas, starting from stress-strain analyses of elements of load-bearing structures, through the assessment of lifespan, dynamics of machines and transport equipment, up to the analysis of vibrations of mechanical systems, while modern means and methods of experimental and numerical mechanics are used. The projects are mainly focused on the use of unconventional optical methods of experimental mechanics, their development, implementation and use in strength analysis or in the analysis of vibration and dynamic behaviour, as well as on the identification, prediction and failure analysis of elements of mechanical systems using methods of experimental and numerical modelling, and on the assessment of the stability of thin-walled elements or the determination of the material properties of metamaterials and nanostructures. Several important projects are being solved in cooperation with practice, e.g. in the field of development of modules for robotic systems. The department is also involved in solving various technical and operational problems and tasks arising from the needs and requirements of practice.

Since 2007, the department has regularly co-organised the international conference Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems (MMaMS).


Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Letná 1/9
042 00 Košice-Sever

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