ERASMUS is a pan-European mobility program that provides students in all three levels of higher education with the opportunity to complete a study stay at European universities, as well as internships in foreign companies, respectively. organizations.
Information of a basic, general nature about the ERASMUS program can be found at:
and specific detailed information for those interested in student mobility for the purpose of study and for the purpose of internship are at:
Application for travel for foreign mobility
List of subjects for recognition
On behalf of the IDepartment of Industrial and Digital Engineering, he coordinates exchange mobility at partner universities:
prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, PhD.:
Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ PRAHA10)
University of West Bohemia (CZ PLZEN01)
University of Zielona Góra (PL ZIELONA01)
Contact person:
The faculty coordinator of the program is prof. Ing. Jozef Bocko, CSc.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel .: 055/602 2920
Internship in bachelor study (compulsory)
production-professional practice after the end of the 2nd year of the 1st degree of study
length of practice: 6 weeks
Students in the bachelor's study complete production-professional practice in an engineering company during the summer holidays after the 2nd year of study.
- individual provision of practice
- the implemented practice must be documented by a certificate stating the activities performed
- the student submits the document on the realized practice and the report in the extent of 2 pages to the guarantor of the study program by 31.8.
Internship in Engineering (compulsory)
Professional practice after the end of the 1st year II. degree of study
length of practice: 4 weeks
Students in engineering studies complete professional practice in an engineering company during the summer holidays after the 1st year of study. The aim of professional practice is to acquaint students with the production program of the company and gain practical experience and skills.
- individual provision of practice
- the implemented practice must be documented by a certificate stating the activities performed
- the student submits the proof of the realized practice and the report from the professional practice in the extent of 4 pages to the guarantor of the study program by 31.8.
Mandatory excursion
Students in II. graduate degree in the 1st resp. 2nd year of mandatory excursions in manufacturing companies, or even at exhibitions in the total range of 5 days. Excursions are provided by the institute, the department that guarantees the given study program.
Confirmation of practice - Bc. study (1st level)
Confirmation of practice - Ing. study (2nd level)
Our address: Working time: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering
Park Komenského 9
042 00 Košice
In this section you will find a link to interesting offers published on the website of the Technical University in Košice for students.
When looking for a syllabus of study subjects, it is advantageous to know a web link to the MAIS portal