Replacement and remedial state exams and defenses of final B.Sc. and Ing. work
Date: 8/24/2022
Room: Consilium Magnus (TUKE Main Building, Block B, 1st Floor)
Degree of study: I. (B.C.), II. (Eng.)
In case of questions, contact the study department of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, or department secretaries.
A student can register for studies if he has paid the registration fee and the payment is recorded in the MAIS information system.
You can find instructions and information on the online registration of students of the 1st year of bachelor's and engineering studies at:
Prototypové a inovačné centrum Strojníckej fakulty TUKE disponuje najmodernejšou výrobnou technikou.
Z dôvodu bezpečnosti, ochrany zdravia a know-how nariaďujem vyplniť registračný formulár pre návštevy v PaIC Strojníckej fakulty.
Formulár je povinný vyplniť každý zamestnanec Strojníckej fakulty TUKE, ktorý by mal záujem o exkurziu, školenie, konzultáciu, výuku, či inú aktivitu v týchto priestoroch.
V prípade, že návšteva nie je dohodnutá telefonicky vopred, zvolený pracovník PaIC následne kontaktuje záujemcu vo veci potvrdenia termínu.
Formulár je dostupný na linku:
QR kód pre vyplnenie formulára:
Link pre registráciu aj QR kód sú dostupné na webovej stránke Strojníckej fakulty TUKE, ako aj stránke Prototypového a inovačného centra SjF TUKE.
Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH
Enrollment of subjects in the MAIS system for AR 2022/2023 takes place from July 11, 2022 to August 21, 2022
The student is obliged to enroll in subjects for the winter and summer semesters in accordance with the relevant study program and study timetable for the relevant academic year, so that by successfully completing them he fulfills the conditions for continuing his studies in the next academic year.
A SjF student is obliged to register for one academic year in the full-time form of study for min. 60 credits, per semester it is min. 30 credits (without credits for repeatedly enrolled subjects).
An exception may be the last year of study of the given study program, if the student has uncompleted subjects for fewer credits and/or a state exam.
We ask students to consistently put their subjects in order during the registration round in the MAIS system.
We would like to inform the graduates of the bachelor's study of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Košice that the ceremonial awarding of diplomas will take place on June 29, 2022 (Wednesday) in the Maxima TUKE Hall at the following time:
9.00h – graduates of study programs:
Priemyselná mechatronika
Industrial Mechatronics
Strojné inžinierstvo
Mechanical Engineering
Kvalita a bezpečnosť
Kvalita a bezpečnosť – kombinovaná metóda
Protetika a ortotika
11.30h – graduates of study programs:
Technológie, manažment a inovácie strojárskej výroby
Technológie, manažment a inovácie strojárskej výroby– kombinovaná metóda
Počítačová podpora strojárskej výroby
Automobilová výroba
Priemyselné inžinierstvo
Priemyselné inžinierstvo – kombinovaná metóda
Riadenie a ekonomika podniku
We kindly ask bachelor's degree graduates to come to Au Maxima on the given day (June 29, 2022) 45 minutes before the beginning of the diploma ceremony (due to training).
For capacity reasons, graduates can invite a maximum of 4 family members to the ceremony.
Office hours:
Friday8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30
8:30 - 11:30, 13:00 - 15:00
non-paged day
8:30 - 11:30
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +421 55 602 2623
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Košice
Letná 9/B
042 00 Košice
phone: +421 55 602 2016
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.