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Offer to participate in the event WOF (World of Freight) EXPO Prague 12-13 October 2022.


The conference will also include a discussion panel on human resources, in which experts and owners of large companies will discuss challenges in the field of HR and recruitment of new talents. Website:






Free entry for students

Registration: WOF EXPO Prague 2022 | WOF Events

promo code: STUDENT_FREE_WOF

Contact person: doc. Ing. Miriam Pekarčíková, PhD.

Dear students of the ending years, in this way we officially acquaint you with the dates and composition of individual state commissions. You can find more information about the course and schedule of state exams in your MS Teams. Each of you will be assigned to a team according to no. programs and according to the dates of your state exam.


1.6.2022 room PK9 207 from 8:00

Commission No.1:

prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, Ph.D. - FME TUKE - Chairman of the Commission

doc. Ing. Miriam Pekarcikova, PhD. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Michal Balog, PhD. - FVT TUKE

doc. Ing. Jaromir Markovic, PhD. - FME UNIZA

prof. Ing. Martin Straka, PhD. - FBERG TUKE

doc. Ing. Milan Edl, PhD. - FST UWB

II. Ing. PI Daily - state subjects PP, PPaS

Recorders: Ing. Juraj Kovac, PhD., Ing. Ján Kopec


1.6.2022 room PK9 205 from 8:00

Commission no. 2:

prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kadarova, PhD. - FME TUKE - chairwoman of the commission

doc. Ing. Jaroslava Janeková, Ph.D. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Juraj Sebo, PhD. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Helena Makysova, PhD. - MTF STU

prof. Ing. Andrea Rosová, Ph.D. - FBERG TUKE

II. Ing. RaEP Daily - state subjects SM, EaFRP,

Recorders: Ing. Jozef Trojan PhD., Ing. Laura Lachvajderová


2.6.2022 room PK9 207 from 8:00

Commission no. 1:

prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, Ph.D. - FME TUKE - Chairman of the Commission

doc. Ing. Miriam Pekarcikova, PhD. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Helena Makysova, PhD. - MTF STU

doc. Ing. Milan Edl, PhD. - FST UWB

prof. Ing. Andrea Rosová, Ph.D. - FBERG TUKE

II. Ing. PI Daily - state subjects PP, PPaS

II. Ing. PI Combined - state subjects PP, PPaS

Recorders: Ing. Juraj Kovac, PhD., Ing. Ján Kopec


2.6.2022 room PK9 205 from 8:00

Commission No.2:

prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kadarova, PhD. - FME TUKE - chairwoman of the commission

doc. Ing. Jaroslava Janeková, Ph.D. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Juraj Sebo, PhD. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Jozef Glova, PhD. - EkF TUKE

doc. Ing. Jaromir Markovic, PhD. - FME UNIZA

doc. Ing. Michal Balog, PhD. - FVT TUKE

III. Bc. RaEP Daily - state subjects PE, PSV

Recorders: Ing. Jozef Trojan, PhD., Ing. Laura Lachvajderová


3.6.2022 room PK9 207 from 8:00

Commission No.1:

prof. Ing. Peter Trebuňa, Ph.D. - FME TUKE - Chairman of the Commission

doc. Ing. Miriam Pekarcikova, PhD. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Juraj Sebo, PhD. - FME TUKE

doc. Ing. Patrik Grznar, PhD. - FME UNIZA

doc. Ing. Jaromir Markovic, PhD. - FME UNIZA

III. Bc. PI Daily - state subjects PH, PSV

III. Bc. PI Combined - PSV, IaKSP

Recorders: Ing. Juraj Kovac, PhD., Ing. Ján Kopec


3.6.2022 room PK9 205 from 8:00

Commission No.2:

prof. Ing. Jaroslava Kadarova, PhD. - FME TUKE - Chair of the Commission

doc. Ing. Jaroslava Janeková, Ph.D. - FME TUKE

prof. Ing. Martin Krajčovič, Ph.D. - FME UNIZA

doc. Ing. Milan Edl, PhD. - FST UWB

doc. Ing. Michal Balog, PhD. - FVT TUKE

III. Bc. RaEP Daily - state subjects PE, PSV

Recorders: Ing. Jozef Trojan PhD., Ing. Laura Lachvajderová

Dear end-of-year students


Dear students of the ending years, on 7.4.2022 from 8:30 am. The SVOČ departmental round will take place. Subsequently, it is necessary to create a presentation for this text part using the MS Power Point software, which will need to be presented in the range of 5 to 7 minutes. The order of the presenters will be in alphabetical order, after each presenter the members of the commission will express the work with instructions for the presenter with regard to the topic as well as the method of presentation.


Participation in the department round is mandatory for all ending students of our department.


As for your presentations, try to adhere to the time limit for one presenter of 5 maximum 7 minutes. Save your presentations as attachments of this group to the files section, each student will create a folder with their name in this section, in which they will insert their presentation. He will send the text part of his work to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The names of your text files as well as the presentation should be saved in the name format: „name surname, no. program ”(Jozef Mrkvička 2. Ing. PI).


download template

Dear students,


we pay attention to changes in some grades and in the teaching process. The changes will take effect from the following week 21.03.2022. Please check your schedule in Maise.

There is no translation available.

V rámci neustáleho procesu modernizácie našich laboratórií sa náš kolektív snaží o zlepšenie a skvalitnenie výučby na našej katedre. V poslednom období prechádzajú naše laboratória zmenami, kde napríklad vzniklo nové laboratórium v miestnosti 301, ktoré sa venuje virtuálnej a zmiešanej realite s prepojením na rôzne modelovacie softvéri.



V tomto laboratóriu sa študenti naučia pracovať v programe TIA Portal, ktorý ich naučí ako prepojiť PLC systémy s HMI panelmi. Toto spojenie má za úlohu digitalizáciu pracovných postupov od návrhu cez integrovaný engineering až po procesy a analytickú prácu s dátami.




Novo pripravované laboratórium v miestnosti 302 bude simulovať výrobné a logistické procesy. V spolupráci s lokalizačným RTLS systémom bude zbierať výrobné dáta a tak ich vyhodnocovať a analyzovať.



Toto je len malá vzorka pripravovaných nových projektov, ktoré sa realizujú na Katedre priemyselného a digitálneho inžinierstva. O ďalších novinkách zo života KPaDI Vás budeme informovať 😊


Based on the new structure of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE, which was approved on 26.08.2021 by the Senate of the FME TUKE, our Institute of Management, Industrial and Digital Engineering is transformed into the Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering, which falls under the Institute of Industrial Engineering, Management and Environmental Engineering.

Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to point out that the 24th International Scientific Conference Trends and Innovative Approaches in Business Processeswill take place on October 19th and 20 th. 2021.


More information can be found on the conference website:



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poster katedra



Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

mapa sjf

Our address:                             Working time:                                            Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00          

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering                        

Department of Industrial and Digital Engineering

Park Komenského 9

042 00 Košice


For students

In this section you will find a link to interesting offers published on the website of the Technical University in Košice for students.

MAIS portal

When looking for a syllabus of study subjects, it is advantageous to know a web link to the MAIS portal