E-enrolment for the academic year 2024/2025 will take place in the MAIS information system from 04.09.2024 - 08.09.2024 for the first and continuing years.
Along with the e-enrolment, the registration of courses for AR 2024/2025 will also be launched in the MAIS information system. Students who have not enrolled in courses are required to enroll in courses from both the winter and summer semesters for a total of 60 credits - 30 credits for the winter semester, 30 credits for the summer semester of AR 2024/2025.
Please note: students who do not complete online enrolment in IS MAIS by the deadline set by the faculty, but complete enrolment subsequently at the study department, will be charged a fee of 40€ based on the Rector's order PR/TUKE/06/23.
Visit of the Government Plenipotentiary for Civil Society Development Mgr. Simona Zacharova, MBA with a delegation to the Faculty
On 21.8.2024 the management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUKE, headed by the Dean Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, DrSc., MPH, received at the Faculty the Government Plenipotentiary for the Development of Civil Society Mgr. Simona Zacharova, MBA with her delegation.
Representatives of the Košice Self-Governing Region, the City of Košice, IT Valley and the Dean of FMMR TUKE with the delegation were also part of the protocol.
The topic of the working meeting was the Innovation Ecosystem of Civil Society in the Košice Region with a focus on innovation in education, new technologies for the EU and social innovation. During the meeting, innovative themes for anticipating project and social policy in Slovakia were presented in relation to the initiatives of the existing challenges of the line ministry and non-line ministries of the Slovak Republic.
The University of Münster’s WiRe – Women in Research programme is now accepting applications for fellowships awarded to international female postdocs in 2025. WiRe supports the realization of smaller research projects at the University of Münster, Germany, for a duration of 4-8 months, with the aim of fostering longer-term collaboration. Funding of up to 12 months is possible under the matching option (partial financing via departmental funds). The research can take place on site in Münster or remotely from the current place of residence.
The funding amounts to 2800€ per month (on-site) or 2200€ (remote), plus child allowance if applicable. Postdoctoral researchers who have acquired most of their academic training outside Germany and have not conducted research in Germany in the last 6 months are eligible to apply.
Študent je povinný zapísať si na zimný a letný semester predmety v súlade s príslušným študijným programom a časovým harmonogramom štúdia na príslušný akademický rok tak, aby ich úspešným absolvovaním splnil stanovené podmienky pre pokračovanie v štúdiu v ďalšom akademickom roku.
Študent je povinný si zapísať za jeden akademický rok v dennej forme štúdia premety za min. 60 kreditov, za semester je to min. 30 kreditov (bez kreditov za opakovane zapísané predmety).
Výnimkou môže byť posledný rok štúdia daného študijného programu, ak študentovi zostali neabsolvované predmety za menej kreditov a/alebo štátna skúška.
Poznámka:min. 30 kreditov za zimný semester, min. 30 kreditov za letný semester, spolu za akademický rok min. 60 kreditov.
Zápis predmetov na študijnom oddelení fakulty mimo určeného termínu je spoplatnený sumou4,- €za predmet, podľa príkazu rektora PR/TUKE/06/23 „Výška školného a poplatkov spojených so štúdiom v akademickom roku 2024/2025“.