Sponsors, EÚ







Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

is co-solver of projects financed from resources

Slovak Agency for Research and Development Fund  

APVV: APVV-17-0258

„Digital Engineering elements application in innovation and optimization of production flows”

VEGA: 1/0708/16 Development of a new research methods for simulation, assessment, evaluation and quantification of advanced methods of production                             

VEGA 1/0741/16  Controlling innovation of the industrial companies for the sustaining and improving their competitiveness              

     KEGA 029TUKE-4/2016: „Education and training environment for developing an innovations and implementation of enterprise processes and systems

KEGA 026TUKE-4/2017 „Implementation of innovative educational approaches and tools to enhance the development of the core competencies graduate study program Industrial Engineering

 KEGA 030TUKE-4/2017 „Implementation of innovative tools to improve the quality of university education in the field of study 5.2.52 Industrial Engineering







Deparment of  Industrial Engineering and Management