On the days 15. -17. October 2019 in Kemerovo at the State Technical University, (Кузбасский государственный технический университет имени Т. Ф. Горбачёва.) T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass Russian Federation, held an international congress (The IVth International Innovative Mining Symposium), where the aspects of possible cooperation were consulted in terms of mining method, as well as in terms of mechanization of mining and transport. At the end of multilateral negotiations led by Dean FBERG TUKE prof. Cehlár and SJF prof. Trebuňa, we have reached a common position, which will help solve the set problem in the near future and cooperation between the faculties BERG and SJF TUKE will bring for all parties involved, but especially the area of ​​Kemerovo fruit in the issue of final digitization of proposed solutions.


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